Soldiers of The Great War: Jewish Military Service in WW I, as Reported in The Jewish Chronicle – “Jews Respond”, August 14, 1914

The prior blog post presented an interview with Reverend Michael Adler, concerning military service by British Jewry on the outbreak of the First World War, which appeared in The Jewish Chronicle of 14 August, 1914.

This post presents the lead editorial that appeared in the same issue of the Chronicle, which in spirit, idealism, and patriotism, is very much a companion piece to the above-mentioned article.  This is evident by the quote appearing at the editorial’s end – “England has been all she could be to Jews – Jews will be all they can be to England,” which appeared in the Chronicle on August 7, a few days after Britain’s entry into the war.

As seen in the image below (from the August 19 issue of the Chronicle’s sister publication, The Jewish World), this quote was prominently affixed to the exterior of the Chronicle’s offices by mid-August.

London Jewish Chronicle 1914 08 19Akin to the interview of Reverend Adler, the editorial is available in PDF format via the link at the end of this post.


Jews Respond

The Jewish Chronicle

August 14, 1914

The free spirit of determination to resist and overcome the enemies of this country, which has been manifested by all classes throughout the land is no small consolation for the affliction of war that has been cast upon it.  The calm, and implacable sentiment which from the highest to the most humble throughout the country has impelled all classes is one of the finest assets of victory that England possesses.  That sentiment, that spirit, Jews of all ranks are sharing to the full.  All thought except a desire to serve this country has been banished from the minds of our people.  The fact that the war is likely to bear, both from the economical and the sentimental standpoint, more heavily upon them than upon any other of the races or peoples that are involved, as must necessarily be the case with a people positioned as are Jews in the world, has not been given a moment’s consideration.  The supreme law of loyalty to the country of which Jews are citizens has over-ridden every other impulse.  When we find that even the Jews in Russia have declared themselves determined to fight with Russia, for Russia’s cause, side by side with those who have for generations been their bitter persecutors, it is no wonder that the Jews of England have thrown themselves into the duties involved by war upon the English citizen with an ardour and an enthusiasm matched perhaps by other classes in the country, but exceeded by none.

At the call of duty a considerable army of Jews from England have responded.  Countless instances of the remarkable sacrifice and self-abnegation involved in this prompt answer are pouring in upon us as we write.  Jewish mothers, who of all creatures on God’s earth have a tender heart for their offspring, have urged their sons – the apple of their eye – to go forth and serve for the King and the country.  Jewish fathers who had fondly pictured for their sons careers of advancement in commerce or profession have set their lips stiff and bid their sons wrench themselves away from the vocations designed for them, and go help to overcome the enemies of England.  In the day of trial, in the stress of battle, these sons of Israel will not be found wanting.  The pluck and the spirit of old these Jews have not lost.  The rely upon God for His protection, and upon their own strong arm for shielding the country which so nobly had sheltered their people.  This spirit is no mere frothy and ebullient martial ardour.  England is face to face with a test and a trial such as she has never been put to, and our sons have leapt gladly to the supreme opportunity of doing their share as English citizens.

Not again has the spirit and sentiment of duty at this anxious time animated only those who have hurried to the colors for active service in the field.  It has seized the whole community.  Everyone, man and woman, is anxious to find some means whereby, if not in the field then at home actively, or at least passively, they may help this country to victory.  The energetic loyal co-operation in a hundred ways which Jews are now undertaking can be judged from such records as we are able to provide in another column.  These do not by any means constitute all.  They are, at most, typical.  Yet they are remarkable.  For Jews are naturally a peace loving people, to whom war is hateful, to who, the shedding of human blood is detestable, who traditionally and historically have magnified peace as an ideal, who turn day by day in their prayers to the city named of Peace.  We Jews are conscious that to day, more than ever, Peace is Jewry’s most faithful ally.  But we see this great country gone forth to a war which was forced upon it by a haughty and intolerable systems of militarism.  We see this country with a clear conscience and clean hands going forth to do battle for freedom, for freedom from an overbearing Empire of “blood and iron”.  We see this country defending with all its vast resources the rights of the smaller nationalities and the existence on earth of the smaller States free from the engulfing greed of the brute force of armaments.  In such a cause we feel we have a cause for which to fight.  In such a cause we feel we have a cause for which to suffer, and to sacrifice, in such a cause it can be no matter for surprise that to a unit we are responding with a spirit worthy of the highest conceptions of our race.  In such an hour it is but natural that we in this country should recollect and be inspired by the thought that, “England has been all she could be to Jews,” and should determine that, “Jews will be all they can be to England.”

The Jewish Chronicle, August 14, 1914: Jews Respond


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