Of Friends, Frenemies, and Enemies: The Murderous Consequences of Western Diplomacy – Melanie Phillips, interviewed by Jonathan Tobin, October 25, 2023

Video time!…

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There are times that arise in the lives of peoples, nations, and civilizations when taken-for-granted assumptions about the past and future demand examination, if not revision, if not upending.

In light of Hamas’ mass assault and terrorism against Israeli civilians – Jews – on October 7, and, Jonathan Tobin’s October 25th Jewish News Syndicate interview of journalist Melanie Phillips, perhaps (perhaps) we are now living amidst one of those times.

And so, for your consideration…


Why has it been this situation for a hundred years?
Why is it the only situation which is like this?
The only war that never ends in the world.
Because it’s the war that the – has been created by the West,
and continued by the West.
It relies entirely on Western support.

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“As a dog returns to his vomit, so does a fool repeat his folly.”
“כְּכֶלֶב שָׁ֣ב עַל־קֵא֑וֹ כְּ֜סִ֗יל שׁוֹנֶ֥ה בְאִוַּלְתּֽוֹ”
(Yet, what if the folly is not folly, but mendacity?)

Mishlei (Proverbs) – Chapter 26

“Now, I have a rather heretical view about this, ingrained, pessimistic view that this conflict is with us forever.  You have to ask yourself, “Why is it with us forever?  Why is this – I think I’m right in saying – the only conflict in the world, which has gone on for a hundred years, and which has no prospect, in the minds of most people, of ever being resolved.  ‘Cause every alternative is terrible.  Either we take over all their territory in which case we have however many – – “palestinians” who don’t want to be ruled by us, and we don’t want to rule them, or we do a “two-state-solution”.  Well that’s clearly impossible, so we’re – we’re completely stuck.  We – we – we can’t move.  I think it’s the wrong way of looking at it.  Why has it been this situation for a hundred years?  Why is it the only situation which is like this?  The only war that never ends in the world.  Because it’s the war that the – has been created by the West, and continued by the West.  It relies entirely on Western support.  If the West wasn’t involved; it the West hadn’t been involved, this would have been sorted.  It would have been sorted by force.  By which I mean –  I don’t mean that everyone would have been killed.  What I mean is, that, Israel would have asserted its force, and – it would have reached a settlement – with –  I don’t know that the settlement would have looked like, but basically, the “palestinian” issue would have gone away – because, the “palestinian” issue is only an issue because it’s been created as such by the West.  The West has taken this false narrative – you know, “that the “palestinians” are the indigenous people; that they were driven out of their own land; that they are now being occupied illegally in their own land, and all the rest of it.  The West has taken this up, even governments which are supposedly sympathetic to Israel; have taken this up.  Britain.  America.  The EU.  They’ve all said, “The way you settle it is to divide the land.” …  Well no; if you have a war of extermination, you don’t say, to the people who are threatened with extermination, “You’ve got to settle it by basically giving the other side, whatever you – whatever they want, because, that’s the way in which the other side will continue to say; will say to itself, ‘If we continue, what we’re doing, we’ll get all of it!’”  And that’s what’s happened for a hundred years.”

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What’s causing it, is Western support,
for the people who are bent on an agenda of extermination. 
And, Israel has never said that. 
It won’t say it.  … 
But victory – depends upon identifying who is fighting whom. 
And, currently, and until now – the fight,
is characterized as between Israel and the “palestinians”. 
It’s not! 
The fight is between Israel and the West.
So victory requires the West to have its own complicity in this, rammed down its throat.


Well, you know, if you pretend that your “ally” is your ally, whereas,
in fact they are your frenemy, then, you know, you –
you get the consequences that have followed. 

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“Well – would anyone else like to speak up?
Or shall we end this charade?”
(Commander William T. Riker)

“As you wish, Commander Riker.
The charade is over.”
(Commander Tomalak)

(Star Trek: The Next Generation, from “Future Imperfect”, broadcast November 12, 1990)

“What’s causing it, is Western support, for the people who are bent on an agenda of extermination.  And, Israel has never said that.  It won’t say it.  …  But victory – depends upon identifying who is fighting whom.  And, currently, and until now – the fight, is characterized as between Israel and the “palestinians”.  It’s not!  The fight is between Israel and the West.  So victory requires the West to have its own complicity in this, rammed down its throat.  And, they have to be told –  You know, “You are creating this.  You have created this.”  But, Israel won’t do it, because it says, “Are you crazy?!  I mean, America, you know, is our ally, and we rely on it.  And Britain is our ally, and we rely on it, and the European Union, heaven help us, is our ally, and we rely on that too!”  So we’ll manage all the – all the stuff that they come up with; all the rubbish they come up with.  We’ll manage it.  We – we can’t – we can’t throw them overboard.  We certainly can’t say what you’re saying we should say.  Because that would just – you know, that’s kicking our allies.”

Well, you know, if you pretend that your “ally” is your ally, whereas, in fact they are your frenemy, then, you know, you – you get the consequences that have followed.  And that’s why, this thing goes on and on and on.”

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…if the West is to survive itself, as a –
which I think is deeply imperiled by what it’s done to itself over many decades,
at the heart of which is what it’s done to the Jewish people… 
But if the West is to recover itself,
as a morally functioning and therefore civilized entity,
it has to tell itself, that the cause that it has supported,
is the cause of all this. 

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“…an illusion, no matter how convincing,
remained nothing more than an illusion.
At least objectively.
But subjectively, quite the opposite, entirely.”

(Philip K. Dick, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April, 1966)

“…if the West is to survive itself, as a – civilization, which I think is deeply imperiled by what it’s done to itself over many decades, at the heart of which is what it’s done to the Jewish people…  But if the West is to recover itself, as a morally functioning and therefore civilized entity, it has to tell itself, that the cause that it has supported, “palestinianism”, is the cause of all this.  Not just the Hamas.  The Hamas is an excrescence of this.  And that the reason – for the continuation of this terrible war against Israel, is that the West has told itself this big lie.  That – supporting “palestinianism” is the way to resolve the conflict; through the division of land.  Now, until unless that happens, Israel is going to continue to be isolated to varying degrees by its so-called allies and friends in the West.  And the West is going to continue to shoot itself in the brain, as a civilization.”

Alain Finkielkraut: “In The Name of The Other”

2004 and 2023

Alain Finkielkraut, from Azure Magazine

In the Name of the Other: Reflections on the Coming Anti-Semitism
Autumn, 2004

In the wake of that brief period
during which the West expressed itself in the idiom of racism,
Western discourse now accuses the chosen people
of believing themselves superior to other nations
and of rejecting the gospel of a common, universal identity.
Perhaps it is really the ancient condemnation of the Jew –
for his worldliness,
his particularism,
his exclusivity,
his national egoism,
his closed fraternity –
which, under the increasing burden of the Nazi trauma,
is living a new youth, reveling in its flashy modern clothes.
Perhaps there is a resonance of the Epistle to the Romans

in the affirmation that the people of Israel,
that self-infatuated people,
exempt themselves from the ordinary human condition
and except themselves from all the nations,
thus denying the equal dignity of men and obeying only their own laws.
Perhaps this sudden condemnation,
coming from the religion of humanity,
and its paradoxical incitement to anti-racist hate,
unknowingly resurrects an ancient theological debate,
of which the secularized masses know little or nothing at all.
Perhaps –
and this is a frightening thought –
the penitent-judges are incapable of condemning the scientistic belief
in the struggle of the races and the survival of the fittest
without resuscitating the Pauline spirit.
Perhaps this makes the descendants of Abraham stiffen their resolve,

affirming their dynastic birthright
and holding firm to ties of blood when they are offered a union of hearts.

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The Religion of Humanity and The Sin of The Jews
Summer, 2005

We no longer know how to commemorate what we are commemorating.

By “we,”
I mean the independent, volatile, democratic individual
who owes nothing to the past,
cares nothing for the future,
and has no ties to the present
besides the ones he himself establishes;

the individual who has been released,
by human rights,
from the grips of origins,
and that which is not freely chosen,
who has been relieved of obligations to anything that might transcend him.

He is free,
like Edith Piaf or the Rolling Stones,
to abandon himself to his own inclinations,
and infatuations;
the individual who looks at history
and sees only the obstacle-ridden, corpse-strewn road leading up to him.

Just One Reference…

Alain Finkielkraut, at Wikipedia

When Visions Change: Excerpts from Rav Haim Sabato’s novel Adjusting Sights

(This “new” post isn’t really new, for its content has appeared for many years as a drop-down page in my blog’s masthead.  I’ve now converted it into a gen-u-ine post, with a variety of links.  Enjoy and be inspired!)

Adjusting Sights
by Haim Sabato (Translated by Hillel Halkin)
The Toby Press, 2003

“It was hard to say goodbye to my wife Malka on that night after Yom Kippur.  I could see how worried she war.  I too had a bad feeling.  While we were packing my things, I talked to her about faith and trust in God’s Providence.  I quoted some verses from the Bible and from the rabbis.  I knew that Providence is for the Jewish People as a whole and not for any individual.  Even Jacob, though he was promised that God would always be with him, was frightened when Esau marched against him with four hundred men.  But I managed to calm Malka down.  We were still packing when Yoel dropped by to say goodbye and surprised me by saying that the verse the Lord will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance doesn’t apply to any single one of us, so what we all have to pray for our own lives to be spared.  Either he had read my thoughts or we were all thinking the same thing.  I hoped Malka didn’t hear him.  I don’t think she did.  Or else she pretended that she didn’t.  We put Daniel to bed.  He lay there smiling at me.  I kissed him, trying not to cry.  Malka came with me to the assembly point. She stood watching the bus pull out.” (98)

I looked at the moon and saw Dov. We had sanctified the moon of Tishrei together, the two of us, in Bayit ve-Gan with the Rabbi of Amshinov.

It was true, I thought.  Sometimes God had mercy on the undeserving and shone His light on them.  That mercy and that light stayed with you forever.  They were a debt you had to repay.  There was no getting around it.  I thought of the vow I had made while dodging bullets in the wadi.  I knew the world would never be the same.

Yes, sometimes God has mercy on the undeserving.  And sometimes He descends to His garden, to the beds of spices to gather lilies – Sariel and Shmuel and Shaya and Avihu.  And Dov.  Though we left for war together.

What was it Rabbi Akiva once said?  The Owner of the fig tree knows when it is time to father His figs.

Who can aim his thoughts as high as those of the Creator of men?  In the month of Elul we said penitential prayers in my yeshiva.  Now they echoed in my ears.

Who holds in His hand the souls of all that live
And the spirit of each mortal man.
The soul is Yours and the body is Your handiwork.
Spare the work of Your hands.

Lord of all souls, the soul is Yours.
But the body is also Your handiwork.
For this it was made, to sanctify Your name in this world.
Master of all worlds, spare the work of Your hands! (143)

And, for your consideration…

Adjusting Sights, at… 

Wikipedia (Hebrew)

Kirkus Reviews

679th Tank Brigade, at…

Wikipedia (Hebrew)

Rav Haim Sabato, at…


Wikipedia (Hebrew)

Jewish Action

American Sephardi (“Haim Sabato’s Classic Sephardi Sensibility”)

Koren Publishers (Rav Haim Sabato’s books)

Aleppo Tales
From the Four Winds
Rest for The Dove
The Dawning of The Day

Jewish Journal 

Jewish Journal (“A Sephardic S.Y. Agnon”)

Good Reads

You Tube (October 9, 2023)

שיעורים קצרים לחיילים (1) – “התנערי מעפר קומי” | הרב חיים סבתו (חרבות ברזל – תשפ”ד)
Short lessons for soldiers (1) – “Get rid of comic dust” | (Sword of Iron))


The War That Never Ended: Passages from the diary of Moshe Ze’ev Flinker: 1926-1944

(The photograph and excerpts below – from Moshe Flinker’s diary – have appeared in the header of this blog since its creation in 2016.  (Gadzooks! – has it been that long?!)  To make Moshe’s thoughts more accessible – internet and appearance wise – I’ve turned this content into the post, below…)

“…in my opinion, as I have already written several times in my diary,
the end of the war and our salvation are not synonymous.”


Young Moshe’s Diary – The Spiritual Torment of a Jewish Boy in Nazi Europe
[Diary of Moshe Flinker, translated from the Hebrew]
Yad Vashem Publishers – 1965

There is, however, one further difficulty,
namely that if we already deserve to be redeemed because of our great sufferings,
there is the danger that the Jews themselves will not want to be redeemed.  (29)


Now if England wins,
most of the Jews (even those of us who wish to be redeemed)
will be able to say that not the Lord
but England saved them.
The gentiles will say the same.
Obviously my outlook is a religious one.
I hope to be excused for this,
for had I not religion,
I would never find any answer at all to the problems that confront me.  (30)


But our people are so exile-minded
that many generations would have to pass
before we became a free people physically and mentally (the latter is the main thing).  (36)


What good are the prayers I offer up with so much sincerity?  (39)


Therefore we should not look to
or America,
because salvation will come from a completely different source.  (55)


An Allied victory will put an end only to our momentary troubles,
those from Germany,
but along with this it will mark the beginning of troubles
far greater than the present ones,
because instead of coming from one source,
they will come from everywhere in the form of unlimited world-wide anti-Semitism.

For this poison,
which the cursed Hitler has injected into humanity,
is spreading,
and after the war ended by such an Allied victory
it would not be limited to the vanquished Germany,
but would cross the borders of the victorious nations as well.

The victors will have to find some scapegoat to blame
for the innumerable crises which will come after the war,
and who will be more suitable then the Jews for such a role?

not from the English
nor the American
nor the Russians
but from the Lord Himself will our redemption come.


And for that I pray always. 
Therefore I see in every victory of the Allies a prolongation of our troubles.

Already after reaching this conclusion,
I have begun to doubt whether the time has really come
for the end of our two-thousand-year exile.  (72-73)


While it is true that the Germans and Italians have been chased out of Africa,
this, in my opinion, does not bring the end of the war much closer.

I intentionally write the end of the war rather than our salvation
because, in my opinion, as I have already written several times in my diary,
the end of the war and our salvation are not synonymous.  (97)


Supplications and beseechings cannot reestablish our continually violated honor. 
Action alone is of any use.  (103)

Thus Satan Said: Nathan Alterman’s Poem on the Survival of Israel

“The question of Jews and power
boils down to whether a God-inspired and morally constrained people
can hold out until the surrounding nations accept the principle of peaceful coexistence.
The creation of Israel was the hopeful answer to that question:
Hatikvah, literally, the hope of a people.
Neither the war against Israel in the Middle East
nor opposition to the Jews’ right to a state will likely fade in the years ahead.
Let us see if we have the power and moral stamina to keep that hope alive.”

– Ruth R. Wisse

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

There’s a saying:  “You may not be interested in politics, but politics may be interested in you.”

There’s another saying: “You may not be interested in war, but war may be interested in you.”

And so, while the great majority of my posts pertain to history; the past; that which has gone before, given ongoing “events” (ah, how inadequate a word!) in Israel, I think it’s time to touch upon contemporary issues pertaining to the Jewish people, Israel, the United States, the Western world; Europe; “the world” in general. 

So, rather than “plow” intellectual ground already so well and deeply furrowed, in a future post I’ll point to essays and opinion pieces which I think precisely (if not brilliantly) focus on “how we got here”, as of October 7, 2023.  (Or, 22 Tishrei, 5784). 

And still, now.

But until then…!

I’ve not posted anything here – at TheyWereSoldiers – or my brother blog (focusing on art and illustration in science fiction pulp magazines of the mid-twentieth century, and, other literary genres) WordsEnvisioned – for some time.  I hope to return with more posts at both blogs in the reasonable future.  For TheyWereSoldiers, these will comprise…

The story of First Lieutenant Henry Irving Wood, a fighter pilot in the 75th Fighter Squadron of the 23rd Fighter Group, who survived captivity as a POW of the Japanese after being shot down on October 1, 1943.

Arnold Zweig’s stunning 1917 piece from “Die Schaubühne”, Judenzählung vor Verdun” (“Count of the Jews before Verdun”): His literary reaction to the October, 1916 “Jew Count” in the German army in the midst of the First World War.

Essays from two German Jewish newspapers – Der Israelit, and Judische Rundschau – which in the early 1930s published opinion pieces expressing skepticism and disillusionment about the implications of Jewish military service, specifically in terms of perpetuating Jewish identity and peoplehood, and, validating Jewish patriotism and courage in the eyes of the forces arrayed against them.    

From “The Jewish Frontier”, a perspective on the New York Times’s coverage of the Shoah, Zionism, and “Jewish” issues … in the year 1942.  

A “friendly fire” incident: A Liberator bomber (B-24J 42-73429 “Shootin’ Star” of the 374th Bomb Squadron, 308th Bomb Group) shot down by F4U Corsairs of VMF-124 over the South China Sea, on January 12, 1945.    

“The One That Got Away”: The escape from German captivity of Sergeant Barney Schollnick, an A-20 Havoc crewman in the 645th Bomb Squadron, 410th Bomb Group, 9th Air Force, captured during a bombardment mission against German positions in Brest, France on September 6, 1944.

Possibly (possibly…; maybe…; perhaps…; who knows…) accounts of how Senior Lieutenant Lidiya Vladimirovna Litvyak (Лидия Владимировна Литвяк), General Lev Mikhaylovich Dovator (Лев Михайлович Доватор), and General Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky (Ива́н Дани́лович Черняхо́вский), of the Soviet Union, were reported upon in the Western press – the Jewish press and the “general” news media – during WW II.

Also from “The Jewish Frontier”, a most non-military topic: a skeptical if not scathing take on Jewish comedians, and, the (taken-for-granted?) cultural association between Jews and comedy, on stage, film, and radio … from the late 1930s.  How refreshing.  How dignified.  How needed.  (Thankfully, I think that in the world of 2023, and beyond, Jewish comedians have become passé.  Perhaps – sometimes opportunistically indulging in self-abasement – they always were passé, even in their illusory, and retrospectively fleeting, twentieth century heyday.) 

Movie time again!!!  In the same vein as my posts about Louis Falstein’s novel “Face of a Hero” and Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22”, and, the 1943 movie “Destination Tokyo”, an investigation of James Jones’ focus on the experience of Jews in the United States Army of the 1940s in his novel “The Thin Red Line” through the character of Captain “Bugger” Stein, which is entirely absent in Terrence Malick’s 1998 film adaptation of the book.  Likewise for the United States Navy: Jewish Naval Officer Barney Greenwald (played by José Ferrer) in “Herman Wouk’s The Caine Mutiny”, versus the negation of this aspect of the character’s identity in Edward Dmytryk’s 1954 film of the same name.  

As part of my continuing series of accounts of Jewish military service in the Second World War (among all the Allied nations), based on accounts in The New York Times and other sources, posts about Jewish military service and Jewish military casualties pertaining to (for example)…

Squadron Leader David Goldberg (J/4242); Survived
Fighter Pilot
No. 403 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force
Shot Down and Evaded Capture; Returned to England May 6, 1944
March 8, 1944 – Spitfire IX MJ356

2 Lt. Jesse Herbert Lack (0-694883) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
755th Bomb Squadron, 458th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force
United States Army Air Force
KIA March 8, 1944 – B-24J 41-28720

2 Lt. Theodore Herman (“Ted”) Lederer (0-2000710) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה

398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division
United States Army
KIA April 4, 1945

1 Lt. James Kaplan Levy (0-793649) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
Fighter Pilot

347th Fighter Squadron, 350th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force
United States Army Air Force
KIA June 10, 1944 – P-39Q 44-2454

Lieutenant Commander Alfred Labori Lyons (0-307073) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה

USS Pinkney
United States Navy
KIA April 28, 1945

T/Sgt. Leonard Mann (12128372) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
Aerial Gunner

33rd Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Group, 5th Air Force
United States Army Air Force
KIA March 23, 1945 – B-24L 44-41652

Lieutenant Naum Naumovich Rabinovich (Лейтенант Наум Наумович Рабинович); Survived
Fighter Pilot – “Ace”
Six aerial victories – all FW-190s; 5 individual and 1 shared
513th Fighter Aviation Regiment, 331st Fighter Aviation Division, 2nd Air Army
Military Air Forces (VVS) – USSR (Военно-воздушные cилы России (ВВС) – СССР)
Aircraft (Yak) damaged in dogfight with FW-190s on July 13, 1944
Crash-landed; Injured; Rejoined Regiment
In 1980s, a “Refusenik”…
Applied for exit visa to emigrate in 1981; Permission Denied
Received permission to emigrate in April, 1989
(See more at Yad Vashem Archives)


But for now, but for thought, but for warning, a poem:

Thus Satan Said

“How will I overcome
this one who is under siege?
He possesses bravery, ingenuity,
weapons of war and resourcefulness.”

And he said: “I’ll not sap his strength,
Nor fill his heart with cowardice,
nor overwhelm him with discouragement
As in days gone by.
I will only do this:
I will cast a shadow of dullness over his mind
until he forgets that justice is with him.”

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This is what the Satan said and it was as if
the heavens trembled in fear
as they saw him rise
to execute his plan.


 Nathan Alterman (1919-1970)

Thoughts from The Frontier: Jacob Lestschinsky, Demographer and Scholar

Reading – whether fiction or non-fiction – is a journey to places real or imagined.  Some literary destinations are both, particularly those in the genre of alternate history.  In the overlapping realms of science fiction, and, speculative fiction, this is exemplified by Philip K. Dick’s The Man in The High Castle (see also…) and Cyril M. Kornbluth’s 1957 novella Two Dooms (…also see) Both tales, set in a post-1945 America, occur in a world where the Third Reich and Imperial Japan have defeated the Allies, and, the United States is geographically divided into zones of occupation controlled by the two victorious Axis powers.  


Photograph of Philip K. Dick by Nicole Panter, in Alexander Star’s article “The God in the Trash: A Review of the Works of Philip K. Dick“, in The New Republic, December 6, 1993


The foundation of these two works, and the myriad of other tales in this genre – regardless of geographic or temporal setting – is that either a single and distinct event, or, the unanticipated confluence of a series of ostensibly unrelated events, has eventuated in history flowing along a river of time different – dramatically or subtly; humorously or horrifically – from that of the world we know.


Cyril M. Kornbluth, 1939 (Photo by Robert A. Madle, from cover of His Share of Glory – The Complete Short Science Fiction of C. M. Kornbluth (1997), Edited by Timothy P. Szczesuil)


This world. 

The world in which you’re reading this blog post, at this point in time.

(Right here.)

(Right now.)

Given the staggering impact of the Second World War – whether ideologically, demographically, technologically, or bureaucratically; an impact that is continuing today, in 2023 – it’s not surprising that that near-eight-decade-old conflict would be the setting for writers as skilled and perceptive as Dick and Kornbluth, however different they were in life experience, world-view, and literary style. 

However, what about the First World War as a springboard for a tale of alternate history? 

An example published in the year 2000 is Martin J. Girdon’s The Severed Wing.  In his novel, Mr. Gidron has imagined a world where the First World War ended with an outcome stunningly different than that of “our” world”: The Russian monarchy was never overthrown; Imperial Russia was never transformed into the Soviet Union; Communism never wreaked horror across the world; there was never a Shoah.  And with all, there was never a Second World War.  (Mr. Gidron discusses such details in detail in his closing “Author’s Note,” paralleling Leo Tolstoy’s afterword to War and Peace.)  And yet, while the world created by Mr. Gidron is dramatically unlike ours, it is still a world most human: a world of military alliances, geopolitical conflict, and unrelenting social and economic uncertainty, as exemplified in the life and fate of its protagonists, Janusz and Irena.

While I won’t present any “spoilers” in this post, suffice to say that the novel is very well-written and the plot smartly and well-conceived.  A particularly eerie aspect of Gidron’s novel is the way in which, through a succession of events of steadily and (as we know…) irrevocably greater impact, the world of The Severed Wing is supplanted with and completely replaced by our world.  The novel’s notable difference from The Man in The High Castle and Two Dooms is the near-absence of a science-fiction ambience, though one could justifiably include the book in that literary genre.  In this, I think it’s close in tone to Ward Moor’s brilliantly executed Bring the Jubilee – (ohhh, has that novel long-deserved a feature film or mini-series!!!) about a world in which the Confederacy won the Civil War, in indirectly posing questions about the nature of free will, destiny, and fate. 


Portrait of Ward Moore, from his FindAGrave biographical profile, by contributor RPD2


Otherwise, by nature and intention, Jewish history and Jewish destiny (I suppose the destiny of the Jews will be revealed in time, but “that” time will never be our time) are entirely and intentionally central to The Severed Wing, unlike Dick’s or Kornbluth’s works.  

In all this, I cannot say that I “l i k e d” the conclusion of The Severed Wing – I did not – but I did appreciate it.  (Well, if I restricted my reading to books about bouncing bunny rabbits with winsome eyes, I wouldn’t be reading much of anything!)

So, here are the novel’s front and read covers.  (For your consideration.)



I read The Severed Wing in the early 2000s.  

About a decade and a half later, amidst reviewing, examining, and otherwise-looking-at issues of the Jewish Frontier at the Dorot Jewish Division of the New York Public library, I discovered works of a vastly different sort of writer, written in an altogether different sort of context, that – by virtue of their timing – immediately; eerily reminded me of Gidron’s novel.  The context?  The journal Jewish Frontier (on 35mm microfilm, remember that?!).  The writer?  Jacob Lestschinsky.

As described in his biographical profile at YIVO and Wikipedia, Lestschinsky (8/26/76-3/22/66) was a historian and sociologist specializing in Jewish demography and economic history.  He lived in Ukraine, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, and Poland once more, before – was it prescience, luck, or something else? – moving to the united States in 1938, where he lived until going on aliyah in 1959.  As an academic and journalist who lived during an era and in a world of enormous and perhaps inescapable political and social turbulence, Lestschinsky had a complex professional life, which included working for ORT (The Society for Handicraft and Agricultural Work among the Jews of Russia (Obshchestvo Remeslennago i Zemledelecheskago Truda Sredi Evreev v Rossii), helping to organize the Fareynikte Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbeter Partey (United Jewish Socialist Party), working as a correspondent for the Forverts, being a founding member of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, editing Bleter far yidisher demografye, statistik, un ekonomik in the mid-1920s, and throughout his career, writing for Jewish newspapers and periodicals.

In terms of Lestschinsky’s scholarship, Gennadiy Estraikh, in Science in Context (2007) notes the former as having been the author of over 35 academic papers, while a search of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s database yields 53 “hits” listing Lestschinky’s name in news items published between 1926 and 1966.  At the Center for Jewish History, his “Correspondence with individuals and institutions” comprises about 1,800 letters.

I’ve had no success in finding his photographic portrait, but his biography at YIVO includes three images in which he appears with other intellectuals, writers, and YIVO members.  I’ve taken the liberty of editing (“Photoshop-Elementing”, that is) these images, which are shown below, accompanied by YIVO’s captions:


“Jakob Lestschinsky (second from right), historian Simon Dubnow (center), Meyer Abraham Halevy from Bucharest (left), and other delegates to the YIVO Conference pose at the grave of Tsemaḥ Szabad, a physician, leader of the Folkist party, and founder of YIVO, Vilna, 1935.” 


“A gathering of Jewish intellectuals in Kulautuva, Lithuania, 1920 or 1921.  Those identified in the photograph include journalist Reuven Tsarfat (2, in fedora); Bal-Makhshoves (4, wearing white boater); Dovid Bergelson (6, on ground with his head on his neighbor’s knee), his wife (10, seated, second from left), and son (5, small child to Bergelson’s left); Zelig Kalmanovitch (7, with striped tie, center); Jakob Lestschinsky (8, to Kalmanovitch’s right); and Nokhem Shtif (9, to the left of Bergelson’s wife).”


“Shmuel Niger (second from right, hand-numbered “3”), his brother, the writer Daniel Tsharni (second from left, “2”), scholar Jakob Lestschinsky (left, “1”), and others, on a trip to the Alps, ca. 1920s.  Photograph by M. Aschwarden.”


Lestschinsky’s writings in the Jewish Frontier, all penned while he resided in the United States, pertain to the same topics as his scholarly work:  They profile life in the Jewish communities of Eastern Europe in vocational / professional, economic, and demographic terms, effectively capturing a late 1930s sociological snapshot of the world Eastern European Jewry … only one year before the commencement of the Second World War.  Though entirely substantive, direct, and grimly unflinching in content, and characterized by statistics and quantitative information, the quality of Lestschinsky’s writing is excellent, and comports well with the serious but not-necessarily-too-academic tone of the Jewish Frontier.

Four of these items were published as a series from June through September of 1938, each installment pertaining to a different Eastern European region or country.  These titles comprise:

The Jews of Central Europe – June, 1938
The Fate of Six Million – July, 1938
Jews in Baltic Lands – August, 1938
In Fascist Rumania – September, 1938

A fifth item, published five months before the war’s September beginning, specifically describes conditions experienced (well, a more apt word would be endured) by Jewish students in Polish academic institutions.  The appropriate title:

Terror in Polish Universities – April, 1939

Lestschinsky’s sixth and last item in the Jewish Frontier pertains to the Jews of the Soviet Union, but – the Second World War having ended three years previously – covers Jewish life in the Soviet Union during the early years of the (first?!) Cold War.  Paralleling the refreshing, anti-Communist, anti-leftist ethos of the Jewish Frontier from the mid-1930s through the early 1950s, Lestschinsky, too, has a deeply skeptical and worried (in retrospect, more than validly so) view of the future of Jewish life in the Soviet Union.  The title:

Jewish Expressions in the U.S.S.R. – December, 1948

And so, my next bunch of posts will be comprised of Lestschinsky’s Jewish Frontier articles, one article per post, verbatim. 

The one conclusion that can be drawn from the articles, especially those from 1938, is that even if the river of time had traversed an altogether different and infinitely more benign course, Eastern European Jewry – in a collective sense; as it existed under conditions prevailing in the 1930s – would have intentionally and steadily reduced to an abject, irrecoverable level of penury and social degradation.  Lestschinsky proposed no explicit answers to this awful predicament, but he didn’t need to:  The very publication of his articles in a publication unapologetically devoted to Zionism was his answer.  



In the meantime, here are some sort-of-randomly chosen news articles about, or mentioning, Jacob Lestschinsky, several found via FultonHistory.  They’re chronologically arranged, and illustrate how his scholarship appeared in both the general and Jewish news media, as opposed to specialized, professional, and academic venues. 

The central and haunting take-away in terms of raw numbers is how relatively little total Jewish numbers have changed across a century’s span. 

Then again, what will historians of the future (if there are historians in the future) write of the world of 2023; the world as a whole; the Jewish world?  

I won’t broach that question.

Oh.  Seems I just did.

Whether for good, ill, or neither, perhaps it is best that the future remains unknown to man.     

Some articles…



Estimates 14,830,832 Jews in World

The New York Times
August 7, 1925

BERLIN, Aug. 4 (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). – The dispute concerning the total number of Jews in the world has become more complicated by the publication here of new figures gathered by Jacob Lestschinsky, who says that the total is 14,830,832.  According to the American Jewish Yearbook the total is 13,000,000, while Trietsch’s estimate is 17,000,000.  Besides these figures there are others less authoritative compiled in America and elsewhere.

New York State Digital library
New York State Digital library


Jewish Population Is Put at 16,000,000
World Total is Five Times That
of a Century Ago German
Authority States

The Evening Leader (Corning, N.Y.)
November 1, 1932

During the last hundred years the world’s Jewish population has grown from 3,000,000 to 16,000,000, having quintupled in numbers from 1825 to 1925, whereas Europe, America, South Africa and Australia increased their population only three and a half times, according to figures published in the current number of the Menorah Journal by Jakob Lestschinsky of Berlin, an authority on Jewish demography.

“Never before,” Mr. Lestschinsky writes, says the New York Times, “were the Jews so numerous, nor to such a great extent gathered together in Metropolitan centres.  Almost a third of the Jewish people now live in the fourteen largest cities of the civilized world.

“Quintupling in numbers from 1825 to 1925, the Jewish people propagated at over one and one half times the rate of Europe’s population as a whole.  In no other period of their history have the Jews shown a similar growth.  Moreover, this phenomenal increase was achieved not through Increased birth rate but through extraordinarily reduced death rata.

Rate of Increase High

“In the 55 years from 1825 to 1880 the Jewish numbers grew from 3,280,000 to 7,660,000; and in the halt century from 1880 to 1930 their numbers grow again to 15,800,000.  In each of these periods they mora than doubled.

“This unprecedented increase seems all the mora remarkable when we recall that during the last half century the East European Jews were engulfed by three large pogrom-waves (1881-82, 1903-5 and 1918-21), with 2,000 massacres in which approximately 100,000 Jews were murdered and from 200,000 to 300,000 prematurely died of epidemics.”

What may properly be called “World-Jewry,” the writer says, arose only during the last century.  Out of a small people, the greater majority living in Southeastern Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa, and strewn about in innumerable villages and small towns, forming tiny, unimportant islands in vast Gentile seas, the Jews have expanded over the entire world, settling in the industrially most advanced countries and concentrating in the largest cities.

“The geographical map of Jewry of a hundred years back,” he writes, “shows plainly that the Jews warn at that time crowded together in the most backward countries: In the Russian part of Europe, in Poland and Galicia, in the Balkans, in North Africa and Asia Minor.

Migrations to the West

“In the course of the century huge Jewish migrations took place from East to West; from the agrarian to the Industrial countries, from political despotisms to democratic nations, from the spheres of Slavic-Arabian culture to those of English-German culture.

“Perhaps the most striking change has come about in America, which now contains about a third of world Jewry, whereas a hundred years ago it contained only one-third of 1 per cent – no less than a hundredfold multiplication.”

In the fourteen largest cultural centres in Europe and America, of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants each, there are now 4,500,000 Jews – almost 20 per cent of the entire Jewish people.  New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and Cleveland have 2,750,000 Jews, or more than 80 per cent of the entire Jewish population in the United States.

More than 6,000,000 of the world Jewry, or 38.6 per cent, are engaged in trade, contracting and banking.  The next largest group, 5,750,000, of 36.4 per cent, is engaged in Industry and handicraft.  A million, or 6.3 per cent, are professional men and public officers: 625,000 are engaged in agriculture, 325,000 are houseworkers and diverse hirelings, while 2,000,000 are without vocations.

New York State Digital library
New York State Digital library



Nearly Two-Thirds Are in Europe, New Survey Discloses.

The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
April 10, 1936

WARSAW, April 10 (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). – A total world Jewish population of 16,240,000 of whom 5,000,000, or 30 per cent, live in the Americas it has been reported by the Jewish Scientific Institute in a statistical survey published in the publication, Yivo Bletter.

The survey, conducted by Jacob Lestschinsky, economist and writer, as of the beginning of 1936, shows the world Jewish population increased 1,300,000 in the last 10 years.

The distribution of the Jews has remained stationary.  More than 60 per cent of them, about 10,000,000, live in Europe, 5,000,000 In the Americas, more than 5 per cent, or 500,000, in Asia, and the rest, about 30,000, in Australia.

More than 10,000,000 Jews, or two-thirds, live in three countries.  The United States has 4,450,000, Poland has 3,150,000 and Soviet Russia 3,080,000.

The Jews are scattered over 30 countries, of. which only four – the above three and Rumania – have more than 1,000,000.  Seventeen countries have more than 100,000 Jews.  The number of Jews shows an increase in every country except Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey.

Digital Newspaper Archives of US & Canada
Digital Newspaper Archives of US & Canada


Jewish Population

The Southern Jewish Weekly
June 6, 1952

The figures indicating the Jewish population in various sections of the world, released last week by the World Jewish Congress, are substantially similar to those made available earlier in the year in the American Jewish Year Book for 5712, published jointly by the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Publication Society.

The present study, made by Dr. Jacob Lestschinsky, statistician and demographer, shows that “wars and anti-Jewish terror in Europe, the birth of Israel and other factors led to the migration of more than 4,000,000 Jews since the turn of the century, thus changing the entire Jewish demographic picture.”

Coming closer home, the United States is given a Jewish population of five million; Argentina, 400,000; Canada, 200,000; Brazil, 120,000; with the Jewish population in other eighteen Latin-American countries estimated at 150,000.

Of especial significance, Dr. Lestschinsky points out is the “remarkably swift growth of the Jewish community in the Holy Land, where the Jewish population has increased forty-fold in the last fifty years, rising from 35,000 in 1900 to 1,400,000 at the end of 1951.”  One shudders to contemplate what might have happened to a preponderant majority of these 1,400,000 men, women and children had Israel not been eager, even though not prepared, to receive them.  This may not come within the purview of the statistician; it must not be overlooked by those who read his figures.

In Europe, that is, with the exception of the Jewish groups behind the Iron Curtain, there are only two major Jewish communities – Britain with a Jewish population of 400,000, and France with a Jewish population of 240,000.

All of which furnishes an interesting picture of world Jewry today.

Digital Newspaper Archives of US & Canada
Digital Newspaper Archives of US & Canada


This April, 1966 issue of The National Jewish Post and Opinion (of Indiana) is interesting on two counts. 

First, it mentions Jacob Lestschinsky’s passing in Jerusalem. 

Second, it carries an obituary for and tribute to a man whose life took a far different path: Israel Jacobson of Rochester, New York, who at the young age of forty-four (young even in 1966) passed away only a week before Lestschinsky.  Though Jewish affairs in upstate New York would ostensibly have little relevance to Jewish life in Indiana, it turns out that Israel Jacobson, as T/Sgt. Israel Jacobson (12017570), heavily decorated for military service as an infantryman in the North African campaign, was the subject of several articles in Rochester and Buffalo newspapers in mid-1965.  These related his belated receipt of military awards, and (perhaps because he’d been a boxer before entering the military) his struggle with cancer.  

A member of E Company, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Israel Jacobson was the son of Rabbi Harry Jacobson, of 60 Baden Street, in Rochester.  Born in Poland on November 2, 1921, he passed away on March 20, 1966, and is buried at Britton Road Cemetery, in Rochester.  His name appears on page 351 of American Jews in WW II, which records that he received the Silver Star with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart (he was wounded in mid-February of 1943) with one Oak Leaf Cluster.  His wartime story was noted in The American Hebrew (6/11/43), Chicago Jewish Chronicle (5/28/43), and Rochester Times Union (3/26/43, 8/24/43, 7/11/45), while postwar, news articles about him appeared in the Buffalo Courier-Express, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, and Jamestown Post-Journal.

Jacob Lestschinsky

National Jewish Post and Opinion
April 1, 1966

JERUSALEM – Jacob Lestschinsky, dean of Jewish sociologists, died at the age of 89 last week following long illness.

A native of Russia, Lestschinsky was one of the founders of the Zionist Socialist Party and was a delegate to the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903.

Later he devoted himself to Jewish sociology, publishing dozens of books and studies and countless articles in Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian, German and English.

Following the Bolshevik Revolution he moved to Poland, then to Germany, finally to the U.S.  In 1959 he settled in Israel – first in Tel Aviv and later in Jerusalem.



The Wave (Rockaway Beach), July 11, 1946

After five years in uniform, ex-Army tech sergeant Israel Jacobson, the fighting son of a Rochester, N.Y., rabbi, has laid aside his carbine, and henceforth will restrict his fighting qualities to the professional prize ring as a Long Island’s bid for featherweight honors among the paid to punch brigade.

Twice overseas and twice wounded, “Battling Jacobson” as he has been dubbed by Long Island fight fans, participated in five major campaigns and two invasions.  He holds several Army awards including the Croix de Guerre, Silver Star Medal, Bronze Star Medal, New York State Conspicuous Service Cross, and the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Wisely enough, Jacobson, now a resident of Queens, has placed his fistic destiny in the hands of Irwin Goldie, internationally known fight manager and former G.I. who managed Billy Conn’s overseas tour and promoted service boxing tournaments in London, Paris and Rome.

Sgt. Jacobson’s story travelled from Rochester to Long Island.  Here’s an article from The Wave (Rockaway Beach) from July 11, 1946:

Old Newspapers




Jewish Telegraphic Agency
April 27, 1966

NEW YORK, April 26.  (JTA) — Memorial services for the late Jacob Lestchinsky, Jewish sociologist and author, who died a month ago in Israel were held here today by the American section of the World Jewish Congress and YIVO, the Institute for Jewish Research.  Dr Maurice L. Perlzweig, director of the WJC department of international affairs, who presided at the services, noted that Dr. Lestchinsky was a founder of the Congress movement, and was known for many detailed studies and reports on the Jewish position in many parts of the world.  Other speakers were Prof. Salo Baron, Jewish historian, and C. Bezalel Sherman, chairman of the administrative committee of the WJC American section.  Mr. Lestchinsky died at 89, in Israel.



For Your Further Enlightenment and Distraction…

Jacob Lestschinsky, at…



The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe

Jewish Virtual Library

National Library of Israel (Catalog records of books, archives, articles, and miscellaneous items)

Center for Jewish History (Jacob Lestschinsky’s Correspondence with individuals and institutions, comprising about 1,800 letters)

World Jewish Population by Country, at…


Estraikh, Gennadiy, Jacob Lestschinsky: A Yiddishist Dreamer and Social Scientist, Science in Context, V 20, N 2, 2007, pp. 215-237. (Bibliography lists over 35 works by Lestschinsky)

Here I Am (Hineni): On the way to Eretz Israel – A Volunteer in the Jewish Legion, 1918

In Through These Pale Cold Days – “Operation Michael” – The German Spring Offensive of March 21, 1918, I touched upon the life of artist and poet Isaac Rosenberg, who, serving as a Private in the 1st Battalion of the King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment), was killed in action on April 1, 1918, in a defensive action against German troops during the great German offensive otherwise known as Operation Michael.

Though vastly more could be said (and, has been said) about Rosenberg’s life and poetry, it was; it is, adequate enough to begin that post with his last poem, penned during the final week of March, 1918: “Through These Pale Cold Days”.

The text follows…

Through these pale cold days
What dark faces burn
Out of three thousand years,
And their wild eyes yearn,

While underneath their brows
Like waifs their spirits grope
For the pools of Hebron again –
For Lebanon’s summer slope.

They leave these blond still days
In dust behind their tread
They see with living eyes
How long they have been dead.

The poem directly expresses Rosenberg’s yearning to return to Eretz Israel, and, serve in a specifically Jewish military unit.  As discussed in Joseph Cohen’s Journey to the Trenches, the poet was not at all passive in his hope: He persistently applied for a to transfer to the Judeans, the Jewish volunteer battalions organized by Vladimir Jabotinsky, then serving in Egypt and the Yishuv.   

Sometimes, the wishes of men are fulfilled.  

And yet sometimes, they are…

The following account is a case in point.  Published in the Wilkes-Barre Record on December 17, 1918, it’s the story of the departure for the Jewish Legion, and, eventual military service in Egypt and the Yishuv, of George G. Korson, (by then!) a former reporter for the Record.   Korson’s biographical details appear in this document from Ancestry.com, found among records of “US Residents Serving in the British Expeditionary Forces 1917-1919”.  

Not actually focusing on military training or military duty as such, the article is primarily Korson’s own story of his departure from England, and equally, a description of the optimism and hope felt by the group of Legion soldiers prior to their departure.

Interestingly, the article makes several mentions of the word “Hatikooh”, a misspelling (or variant of translation?!) of the title of Israel’s national anthem Hatikvah, which was penned in 1878.  (Rabbi Avraham Isaac Kook proposed an alternative version of an Israeli national anthem, entitled HaEmunah, “The Faith”.  Which, I didn’t know about until creating this post…!)

So, Private Isaac Rosenberg’s dream did not come true.  

So, Private George S. Korson’s did.  

But, in a sense much larger, both dreams did come true, as some dreams – in their own time; in their own way – eventually do.




Wilkes-Barre Record
December 17, 1918

Former Record Reporter Describes Final Days in England of Jewish Legionnaires

Describing his final days in England before departing with the Jewish Legion for Egypt and the Holy Land George Korson, a former reporter on the Record staff, writes two interesting letters from England.  Korson was born in Russia, raised in America, trained for army life in Canada, Wales and England and is now going to Egypt with the hope of eventually remaining in Palestine, as a permanent member of the new Zionist nation.  He writes:

Good-bye England; Hello Egypt

“November 11, 1918.

“A few hours more and it’s good-bye England and hello Egypt for me.  Final Inspection of our battalion was made by the brigadier-general this morning.  Our impression on the old man was a favorable one.  We spent many a nerve-wracking hour preparing for this day.  ‘As fine a looking lot as I ever saw,’ he pronounced us.

“The inspection took up three hours, the whole of which we stood at attention with rifles and packs on our backs.  Packs, I should explain, is another word for equipment, a matter of but ninety-eight pounds, no more.

“Shortly after the inspection, dressed in full marching order, the battalion went out on a ‘practice’ march, the flag of Zion leading us.  Twelve miles was the length of the march.  The packs were weighty and perspiration flowed freely.  But the charm of the English countryside, in a sense unloosened our loads, or was it the music sent up by our band that had this effect?  I am sure that our hearts would have been heavier than our packs at the end were it not for the inspiring airs.  With the flag of Zion before us and the ‘Hatikooh,’ the battle cry of Israel in the air, who would not go to the bottomest depths of Hades for the cause?

“As the columns of the ‘Modern Macabees’ swung down the country roads and village streets it somehow gave me the feeling that with an army to defend its honor, the first in 2,000 years, Israel was well on its way to the return to the ancient home.

“The battle cries of our ancient warriors were the songs that were sung by us this morning.  Villagers crowded the walks, jostling one another in the effort to gain vantage points.  The applause and cheers of the spectators revealed to us their opinion of us.  No wonder the general said we were as fit a looking lot as he ever saw.

To Do Garrison Duty in Palestine

“The spirit among the Jewish Legionnaires is admirable.  In our eagerness to get across, we are unanimous.  The disappointment in not being able to see active service on the field of battle is almost universal among us.  The fact that we are going to do garrison duty in Palestine is some consolations anyhow.

“The trip to Egypt promises to be an interest one.  If we should follow the routes of previous drafts we would pass through France and Italy with stopover privileges in Paris and Rome.  The trip will probably take three weeks.  I will write upon my arrival.

Farewell Dinner

“November 21, 1918.

“The happiest moments of my life passed last night.  The occasion was a farewell dinner given departing Jewish Legionnaires by the British Zionist organization, of which Lord Rothschild is the president.  The affair is beyond doubt the best reception tendered the Legion and I can assure you fine receptions have been given it both in American and in England.  With the departure of our battalion the last of the Jewish Legion will have left Britain’s shores.  Perhaps this is a reason that led the English Jews to sacrifice so much in our behalf.

Conditions in Holy Land

“At any rate the dinner will not be easily forgotten.  A representative of the recent British investigation committee to Palestine addressed us.  He told us of conditions in the Holy Land.  The colonists who at the beginning of the war were driven out of the country by the Turks have returned and are going about their pre-war occupations quite well.  Bridges, water works, highways, irrigation, railroad building and other improvements are being made by a British engineer corps for the return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland.  Touching, indeed, was his description of the colonists’ reception of the Jewish Legionnaires.  Old men in their praying shawls and women fell to the ground and literally kissed the feet of their deliverers and future defenders.  Children fought one another in the efforts to carry part of the soldiers’ equipment.  The colonists tried to outdo one another to provide comforts for these Maccabees.  Doors were thrown wide open.  ‘What is mine is also thine,’ was the common word, the speaker declared.

Inducements to Stay

“The Zionist organizations, he said, is going to offer excellent inducements to the members of the Jewish Legion upon their discharge from the British army.  If I were to speak my heart, I hope the inducements are good.

“The speaker also brought us the news that the Zionist organization has deposited with the commanding officer, Col. Miller, the sum of £250 ($1,250) to provide comforts for our battalion on our approaching journey to Egypt.

Flags of Eleven Nations

“The hall was fittingly decorated.  The flags of eleven nations, from which the various Jewish Legions present had come, waved through the room.  A big camp band enlivened the evening with music, in which the guests occasionally joined.

“Besides the speech of the British committeeman, talks were given by our colonel and officers.  The officers are heart and soul in the cause of the Jewish people and last night expressed their willingness to go with their men to Egypt, thence to Palestine,

“The climax of the evening came with the call for the ‘Hatikooh,’ Israel’s ‘Song of Hope’.  Most of the Jewish Legionnaires, typical of the Jewish race in the last 2,000 years, were wanderers, born in one country, raised in another and living in a third, etc.  Not a few had come from Russia where they had undergone all the hardships and suffering that result from a cruel government.  In a word, the gathering was made up of men who had gone through something and consequently whose feelings and emotions were pent up.

Tears Drip on Banquet Table

“At the singing of the ‘Hatikooh,’ all stood at attention.  It is unnecessary to state that the nation was sent out with feeling.  As the anthem went on one could see tears coming to the eyes of the men, some young, middle-aged, and elderly; some of them hard-hearted business men in civil life.  At the conclusion tears were literally dripping on the banquet table.  Can you imagine now the spirit of the Jewish Legion?

“Private George Korson, No. 2476
28-40 Batt. R.F. Co. G
“E.E.F., Egypt”

Some References…

Adler, Michael, and Freeman, Max R.G., British Jewry Book of Honour, Caxton Publishing Company, London, England, 1922 (Republished in 2006 by Naval & Military Press, Uckfield, East Sussex)

Cohen, Joseph, Journey to the Trenches – The Life of Isaac Rosenberg, 1890-1918, Basic Books, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1975

Jabotinsky, Wladimir, Die jüdische Legion im Weltkrieg, Jüdischer Verlag, Berlin, 1930

A Question At War: “Shall I Not Fight For the Rights of the Jews?”

“I FIGHT not so much because of Pearl Harbor,
but because of what Pearl Harbor meant, because,
dually after skirmishes with the Ethiopians,
the Manchurians,
the Chinese,
the Austrians,
the Czechoslovakians,
the Danes,
the Spaniards,
and the Norwegians,
fascism was menacing us as we had never before been menaced,
because only the craven will not defend themselves.”


“I fight to remain free.”

– Corporal Jack J. Zurofsky, May, 1944


“As an American,
I am aware of the fact that in relation to the Zionist movement,
some persons, undoubtedly sincere,
have raised the question of dual allegiance.
They ask how I,
as an American,
can take a great interest in the Jewish people and in Palestine.
To that my answer is quite simple.
I as a soldier am at present fighting for the rights of the French,
the Russians,
the English,
the Poles,
the Czechs,
the Yugoslavs,
that they too may have a chance for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


“Shall I not fight for the rights of the Jews?”

– Corporal Ben Weiner, September, 1943


A central and natural facet of human behavior – of men and groups; of men in groups – is aggression: Whether in terms of the emotional frisson generated by the random (and, not-at-all-so-random) violence of mobs; as cool self-defense and its mirror image in pacifism; by the calculated choreography of military offensives and defensives.  Well, given the constancy of human nature, the need to understand the origins, nature, and often the dire necessity of aggression – whether understood through accounts of history, legend, or myth; whether viewed through the contemporary lenses of religion and science – will ever remain, regardless of changes in military technology or the changing fortunes or men and nations. 

But, while the nature of what motivates aggression – what prompts men to fight – can also be approached from the vantage points of psychology, sociology, and politics, on occasion we can find at least an explanation of aggression that is as profound as it is simple:  The intersection between a man’s values and priorities; his beliefs and ideals, with his sense of justice.

In this context, during 1943 and 1944, two American Jewish soldiers – Ben Weiner (residence unknown), and Jack Zurofsky of Brooklyn – both Corporals who’d served in the ground forces of the United States Army in the North African Theater of War – addressed this question in essays that were strikingly different in the nature of their arguments and literary style.  Their writings offer a glimpse of the self-perception of American Jews during the Second World War, in terms of their identity as Americans, Jews, and, American Jews, in a way that continues to have resonance over seventy-five years later, in this year of 2020.


The “first” essay, “We Fight For The Jew, Too”, penned by Weiner, was published in The Jewish Times (Baltimore) and Jewish Advocate (Boston) on Friday, September 24, and Thursday, December 16, 1943, respectively.  I’ve not been able to find anything “about” Corporal Weiner, per se, beyond the nominal description of him as having been a veteran of the campaign in North Africa.  (Well, that’s kind of vague!)  Alas, his name doesn’t appear in the 1947 book American Jews in World War II, which – as mentioned in many of my prior posts – is notable for the absence of many of the names that should have appeared in its several hundred pages.

So, here’s an image of Ben’s essay, from The Jewish Times

…and, verbatim as verbatim can be, here’s the text of Ben’s essay:

We Fight For The Jew, Too –

A Soldier in North Africa Describes His Credo

Somewhere in North Africa

September 24, 1943

There are hundreds of thousands of American Jews in the armed forces.  They are fighting for the preservation of their country.  But they are also fighting for the Four Freedoms.  Here is one Jewish soldier, a participant in the first conquest of American arms overseas, who says that the Jews, too, are among the peoples for whom the Americans are fighting.  He gives his reasons why.  It is said that when the war is over, soldiers will do much to mold the thinking of the country.  They are likely to do the same for Jewish life. – The Editor.

As soldiers at war we have but one major task in front of us – to win the war.  It is however very important that we soldiers stop some times to think of the issues and principles we are fighting for, perhaps some day to give our lives for.

Among the things that the United Nations are fighting for are the rights, the respect and self-determination of the small as well as the large nations.  We are sympathetic to the needs of the Greeks, the Yugoslavs, the Czechs, The French, the Poles, Russians and heroic Chinese.  The small nations particularly have suffered from the German military machine and ideology.  Yet, their only desire had been to develop their own culture under their own flag and government.  The United Nations are deeply concerned with the problems of these small nations and are bound to give them due consideration at the peace table.

Throughout the centuries, ever since the Jewish people were destroyed as a nation by the Romans and were scattered to the far corners of the world, their life has been one endless struggle for existence.  It is a story of a people who have been continually oppressed and denied a peaceful life, not because of anything wrong they had done as a people, but because of the nations among whom they lived.

In Poland, Germany, Austria, Rumania, France, Hungary and numerous other countries the same conditions existed in varying degrees.

During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth, Germany was one of the most progressive nations in the world, industrially, technically and in the arts, sciences, literature and music.  The Jews were given certain freedoms and their contribution to that country soon became apparent.  More and more they thought that they had at last found the freedom that they had been constantly searching for.  They mingled with the Germans; they intermarried.  A few left their faith; many denied that they were Jews.  They believed that assimilation would solve their problem.

The first World War came and went.  Conditions became worse.  There arose in Germany a bestiality of anti-Semitism that its predecessors had never known.  History not merely repeated itself but made the blackest chapters ever recorded.  At least 2,000,000 of my fellow Jews have died of the Nazi terror during the period of this war alone.

Can anyone wonder why I, as an American citizen, wish to find a constructive solution to the needs of the Jewish people?

Submit To “Fate”

For centuries the Jewish people of Europe submitted with resignation to the degrees of fate.  They had to rely upon “chance,” “fate,” and “hope”.  The time has come for them to rely upon themselves, upon their own resources both spiritual and physical, upon their energies, their youth and their faith in democracy.  The time has come for the Jewish people to become the masters of their fate, to shape their destiny according to their needs and desires.

Many people speak of alleviating the conditions of these people.  This alleviation must be carried forward aggressively and persistently.  The solution is to give the Jewish people of Europe the country of Palestine as an independent state of their own, with their own flag and their own government.

In Palestine today one finds a rejuvenated people.  From the far corners of the world they are coming to the land to build up a new world for themselves.  They come from every nation; they speak every language; they bring with them a wealth of culture, knowledge and wisdom.  They bring with them the ideals that are embodied in their heritage.  Many of them have undergone cruel sufferings; yet, when they enter the land of Palestine their sufferings become a thing of the past.  As they look about them and see their people creatively engaged in building a country for themselves they slowly lose the fear they have had for centuries and they join in the task of rebuilding their lives and their homes.

As an American, I am aware of the fact that in relation to the Zionist movement, some persons, undoubtedly sincere, have raised the question of dual allegiance.  They ask how I, as an American, can take a great interest in the Jewish people and in Palestine.  To that my answer is quite simple.  I as a soldier am at present fighting for the rights of the French, the Russians, the English, the Poles, the Czechs, the Yugoslavs, etc., that they too may have a chance for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Shall I not fight for the rights of the Jews?

I am a young American, 23 years of age, who love my country and the flag more than anything else in the world.  For the privilege of being an American I am ready and willing to give my life.  My country stands for Justice, Truth, and Freedom, for the right to live a peaceful and honest life.  In my heart there is not a doubt as to where my loyalty lies.  Yes, it is because I am an American, because America has taught me the principles of Freedom and Justice that I look at the Jewish people and see that a great injustice is being done.

When Catholics or Protestants or any other human beings are in need, do not our hearts go out to them?  Do we not try in every possible way to help them?  When the Chinese were bombed [sic] did we not help them in various ways?  Did we not do the same for the English, the Russians and the Greeks?  Does not Christianity itself teach us, “Love thy neighbor,” and does it not tell us “Help thy neighbor in distress”?    My loyalty to my country and my desire to help the Jewish people do not conflict.  In fact my country has taught me that the principle of Justice is a universal one and should be applied to all people.  I as a soldier at war am fighting so that principle shall prevail.

Against the White Paper

At present there exists a “White Paper” which states that immigration to Palestine shall stop in March, 1944.  This, at a time when most countries will not allow immigration laws to be relaxed.  The carrying out of this brutal statement would be pure and simple murder of several more million of our people who could perhaps in the future escape the hellhole of Europe.  It must be our first duty as fighters of democracy to expose this farce.  We must definitely go ahead with our plans for the upbuilding of Palestine.  Our Senators and our Congressmen must be informed of this infamous “White Paper”.

Many writers of today have written clearly about the conditions that exist.  Ben Hecht wrote “Remember Us”; others have written in the same vein.  They always end up in despair, in helplessness; they never have a constructive conclusion.  They seem fail to recognize that if Palestine were established as a Jewish State it would help tremendously the morale and strengthen the lives of the Jews the world over.  They seem to fail to recognize that if they had a State of their own, throughout the world the Jews would be recognized as equals.

Jews in America do not have to go to Palestine.  The fact that there are Irish in America does not mean that they have to go to Ireland, or that the French in America have to go to France or the Italians to Italy, the Poles to Poland, etc.  It is for the Jewish people of Europe that Palestine stands as a beacon of light and a symbol of freedom.  After the war the desire of millions will be to go to that land.  The country itself is not very large but because of its intensified agriculture and the development of its industries it will be able to absorb millions of people.  Perhaps some day in the not too distant future they too will make a “Louisiana Purchase” which will enlarge the country many times its size, and forever solve the problem of Jewish homelessness.  Shall we not help them in their endeavor?

Destiny has placed in the hands of the Jewish community in America a great responsibility.  It does not matter whether one be a Conservative, a Reform, an Orthodox or a Zionist Jew.  The only thing that matters is that the entire community should realize its responsibilities and immediately take the proper action.  This demands the energies and thoughts of all our people, young and old.

(Copyright, 1943)


I like what Ben has written. 

More importantly, I respect what Ben has written.

That his prose is not quite “purple” is hardly important, for the message of his essay takes priority over subtleties of literary expression.  Simply expressed, his ideas are iron-solid, and the simplicity of his writing serves to reinforce the strength of his arguments.  He minimizes appeals to emotion – totally foregoing personal references, except for the enigmatic fact that he was born (well, where?) in 1920 – which in any event is secondary to the overall “design” and purpose of his essay. 

In this sense, his thoughts are presented to the reader in a structured manner, in three distinct sections. 

Ben first discusses the fate of “small” nations in terms of their political autonomy and national survival, in the greater context of Germany’s (then, 1943) military occupation of much of Europe, and only-recently ended control of North Africa. 

This is followed by laying out the dire implications of the lack of political and geographic nationhood for the Jewish people, in light of the abrogation of their citizenship and persecution by Germany – thus, negating assumptions about the possibility of Jewish assimilation, at least in a European context.

Ben then talks about the logic, morality, and simple justice of Zionism – the revival of Jewish political and social autonomy in the ancestral home of the Jewish people – secondarily in the context of world events and as being a haven from persecution, and primarily in terms of Jewish national autonomy being a natural right and need, paralleling – no more and no less – that manifested by other peoples of the world. 

Admittedly, there’s an awkwardness to the statement, “…The Jewish people were destroyed as a nation by the Romans and were scattered to the far corners of the world.”  While this passage adds dramatic weight to Ben’s essay, it’s a misreading of history, and retrospectively deterministic.  Even if Jewish political and national autonomy was oppressed, curtailed and eventually eliminated in the wake of the first and second Jewish uprisings against Rome (66-73 and 132-135 B.C.E., respectively), Jewish communities had by then already existed throughout the Mediterranean coast, and beyond.

More importantly, the loss of Jewish territorial nationhood and political autonomy for over eighteen hundred years – between 135 and 1948 B.C.E. – did not destroy the Jewish people’s sense of nationhood: It transformed it.

Well, then, in the “literary center” of Ben’s essay, we find the statement, so refreshing to see in American-Jewish writing from 1943,They ask how I, as an American, can take a great interest in the Jewish people and in Palestine.  To that my answer is quite simple.  I as a soldier am at present fighting for the rights of the French, the Russians, the English, the Poles, the Czechs, the Yugoslavs, etc., that they too may have a chance for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Shall I not fight for the rights of the Jews?”

In his conclusion section, Ben expresses his thoughts about Britain’s “White Paper”, and comments upon Ben Hecht’s Reader’s Digest essay of February, 1943, “Remember Us“.  He closes with a prescient view of the future of the (then, only five years hence) re-established Jewish nation-state, and – a perennially true and thus perennially necessary – plea for Jewish unity. 

Alas, that’s true today, as well:  It often seems that the only unifying quality of the Jewish people is their utter lack of unity.  Such is the way of the world.


Let’s move ahead eight months:  Here’s Jack Zurofsky’s essay, as it appeared on page five of The Philadelphia Inquirer on Sunday, May 14, 1944.

First, a view of the entire page, found via Thomas M. Tryniski’s FultonHistory website.  (Off topic:  Those advertisements are pretty cool…)

…and now, a close-up of the essay…

…and now, from a pixeled picture to pixeled text. 

[But first, a caveat: The Inquirer misspelled Jack’s middle initial: It’s actually “J.”, not “F.”  Perhaps – in the era before spellcheck – someone made an error in the Inquirer’s compositing department?]

Corporal, 28, in North Africa Wins Army Essay Contest
(A “Why I Fight” essay contest, conducted in the North African Theater of Operations by the Morale Services Station, has been won by Corporal Jack F. Zurofsky [correct spelling is Jack J. Zurofsky], a 23-year-old infantryman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who has been in the Army 16 months, the War Department announced yesterday.  Corporal Zurofsky’s prize-winning essay, for which he was awarded a $100 War Bond, was selected from entries submitted by more than 300 soldiers, sailors and WACs in all service branches.  It is printed herewith:)

By Corporal Jack F. Zurofsky

THIS IS why I fight.

I fight because it’s my fight.

I fight because my eyes are unafraid to look into other eyes; because they have seen happiness and because they have seen suffering; because they are curious and searching; because they are free.

I fight because my ears can listen to both sides of a question; because they can hear the groanings of a tormented people as well as the laughter of free people; because they are a channel for information, not a route for repetition; because, if I hear and do not think, I am deaf.

I fight because my mouth does not fear to utter my opinions; because, though I am only one, my voice helps forge my identity; because I can speak from a soap-box, or from a letter to the newspapers, or from a question that I may ask my representatives in Congress; because when my mouth speaks and can only say what everyone is forced to say it is gagged.

I fight because my knees kneel only to God.

I fight because my feet can go where they please, because they need no passport to go from New York to New Jersey and back again; because if I want to leave my country I can go without being forced and without bribing and without the loss of my savings; because I can plant my feet in farm soil or city concrete without anybody’s by-your-leave; because when my feet walk only the way they are forced to walk they are hobbled.

I fight because of all these and because I have a mind, a mind which has been trained in a free school to accept or to reject, to ponder and to weigh – a mind which knows the flowing stream of thought, not the stagnant swamp of blind obedience; a mind schooled to think for itself, to be curious, skeptical, to analyze, to formulate and to express its opinions; a mind capable of digesting the intellectual food it receives from a free press – because if a mind does not think it is the brain of a slave.

I fight because I think I am as good as anybody else; because of what other people have said better than ever I could, “certain inalienable rights” “right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” “government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” “give me liberty or give me death.”

I FIGHT because of my memories – the laughter and play of my childhood, the ball games I was in and the better ones I watched, my mother telling me why my father and she came to America at the turn of the century, my sisters marrying, my high school graduation, the first time I saw a cow, the first year we could afford a vacation, the crib at Camp Surprise Lake after the crowded, polluted Coney Island waters, hikes in the fall with the many-colored leaves falling, weenie and marshmallow roasts over a hot fire, the first time I voted, my first date and the slap in the face I got instead of the kiss I attempted, the way the nostrum quack would alternate with political orators on our street corner, seeing the changes for the better in my neighborhood – the El going down, streets being widened to let the sun in, new tenements replacing the old slums – the crowd applauding the time I came through with the hit that won us the borough championship: the memories, which if people like me do not fight, our children will never have.

I fight because I have something to fight for.

I FIGHT because of the life I hope to live when the fighting is finished, because that life offers opportunity and security and the freedom to read and write and listen and think and talk, because, as before, my home will be my castle with the drawbridge down only to those I invite.  Because if I do not fight, life itself will be death.

I fight because I believe in progress, not reaction; because, despite our faults, there is hope in our manner of life, because if we lose there is no hope.

I fight because some day I want to get married and I want my children to be born into free world because my forefathers left me a heritage of freedom which it is my duty to pass on, because if we lost, it would be a crime to have children.

I fight because it is an obligation, because free people must fight to remain free, because when the freedom of one nation or one person is taken away the rights of all nations and all people are threatened, because through our elected representatives I had the choice: To fight or not to fight.

I FIGHT not so much because of Pearl Harbor, but because of what Pearl Harbor meant, because, dually after skirmishes with the Ethiopians, the Manchurians, the Chinese, the Austrians, the Czechoslovakians, the Danes, the Spaniards, and the Norwegians, fascism was menacing us as we had never before been menaced, because only the craven will not defend themselves.

I fight because “It is better to die than live on one’s knees.”

I fight because only by fighting today will there be peace tomorrow.  I fight because I am thankful that I am not on the other side; because, but for the Grace of God or an accident of Nature, the brutalized Nazi could have been me and, but for my fighting, will be my child.

I fight in the fervent hope that those who follow me will not have to fight again but in the knowledge that if they have to, they will not be found wanting in the crisis.

I fight to remain free.


Jack was an excellent writer.

That, I will more than readily grant. 

The literary style of his essay, attributable to its organization as much as of its language, make it a fast-paced, emotionally compelling, very easy “read”.   

Every paragraph, regardless of content, topic, or length, commences with the two-word phrase, “I fight…”.  This phrase also appears in the piece’s title.  This repetition – commencing at the very start of the essay – is particularly effective in setting up a kind of literary rhythm, by which as soon as you fish one paragraph, well…  You anticipate the next.  And, so, on.  Until the end: 

It draws you in, and keeps you going.    

So, yes.  Jack was an excellent writer.

And yet, behind everything is “the dog that didn’t bark”; a certain “thing” that by virtue of its absence undermines the message could otherwise have blossomed via Jack’s literary skill. 

There are allusions to abstract, universal (and valid) ideals of freedom, thought, and association.  There are comments about threat of totalitarianism.  There’s mention of Jack’s residence in the New York metropolitan area, colorful allusions to his parent’s “immigrant” origins, and memories of his upbringing in New York City.

But, in the entirety of this essay, published in mid-1944, by which time news about the fate of European Jewry was certainly known in a general sense – and even in relative detail, assuming one followed the secular and Jewish media with even moderate attention and focus – there’s absolutely no allusion or reference – amidst mention of the “…Ethiopians, the Manchurians, the Chinese, the Austrians, the Czechoslovakians, the Danes, the Spaniards, and the Norwegians,” – to the fate of the Jews.

Why?  Well, one can surmise…

Compare and Contrast

Perhaps it was a question of time and an issue of place. 

The “Why I Fight” essay contest was conducted by the “Morale Services Section” in the North African Theater of War, probably (a guess here…) under the auspices of the War Department.  As a skilled writer; cognizant of his primary and secondary audience and the prevailing zeitgeist, perhaps Jack rightly believed – given the tenor of the times; given the social “place” of the Jews of the United States (and beyond, even in the other Allied nations) in the 1940s – that a literary work calling attention to the Jewish people as Jews, in an explicit, singular, and specific sense, in the context of a larger war, might well have negated the work’s literary acceptability, let alone its public acceptance. 

Well, as reported in The New York Times, of the 300 essays received by the Morale Services Section, the top three winners – along with Corporal Zurofsky – included Private Clarence Weinstock of 219 East 12th Street, Manhattan (second place), and Sergeant Henry C. Nelson, 1250 Brooklyn Avenue, Brooklyn (third place).  According to the Times, there were twelve judges (names not given), who, “represented a cross-section of the Army and included men and women, officers and enlisted men.”  Honorable mention awards went to, “Sergeant Kenneth Board, member of an Army Air Forces heavy bomber unit, whose home is at 9765 North Martindale Street, Detroit; Private Robert E. Stark, Medical Department, of 2140 Sixteenth Avenue, South Birmingham, Alabama; and Private First Class Benjamin E. Karn, member of an anti-aircraft unit, of 1997 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo.”

On the other hand, assuming that Ben Weiner intended that his essay would appear in the Jewish press, perhaps what could superficially be perceived as a constraint gave him the ironic freedom to express himself frankly and fully.


But, things aren’t what they seem…

And yet, appearances, whether visual or literary, can be deceiving: 

Jack Zurofsky was a deeply identified and committed Jew, in both word and action.  For example, while serving in the Jewish Community Council of Essex County, New Jersey, he authored the professional article “Interpreting Jewish Social Work Today”, which appeared in the publication The Jewish Social Service Quarterly, I think some time in the 50s.  Later, in the Daily News Bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of June, 1961, his name appeared in an announcement concerning his appointment as “Director of Community Publicity Services of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds” (whew – long title!).   

This was apparent even earlier.  In 1944, his short story about the Warsaw Ghetto Rebellion, “Warsaw Epitaph”, was published in The Jewish Advocate of October 19, 1944.  If “the dog didn’t bark” for the “Why I Fight” literary contest, it certainly howled (and quite loudly!) here.  Notably, the essay was expressly written for publication by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which literary setting – paralleling Ben Weiner’s essay in The Jewish Times – may have granted Jack Zurofsky free reign to express his ideas and beliefs (albeit in the context of fiction, through the words of the symbolically named narrator “Israel”) in a manner not feasible for the “Why We Fight” contest.

Thus, “Warsaw Epitaph”:


“Today I Die”
By Corporal Jack J. Zurofsky, U.S.A.

(The author of the following short story based on the heroic resistance of the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto recently won first prize in a contest among U.S. servicemen overseas for the best essay on “What I Am Fighting For.”  He is now stationed in this country.  This story was written exclusively for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. – THE EDITOR.)

Today I am going to die.

I do not know exactly bow.  Perhaps it will be by a rifle slug tearing through my heart or a machine gun bullet clipping my brain.  Who knows?  It may be a grenade exploding through my vitals.

The thought is not pleasant.  I do not like to dwell upon it but this I know, today I must die and not only I but the rest of us, the handful that is left.

We have resisted them now for forty-two days.  No longer do they despise us Jews.  Our ghetto streets have become passages to Hell for them.  No longer do they come here arrogant and unafraid.  Now they advance behind a curtain of fire, after an artillery barrage, taking advantage of whatever cover remains.  Now they keep their heads down and their proud chins tucked in.  Now they fear a well-placed bullet from our pistols or one of our accurately hurled grenades.

They were surprised that first day.  Symbolically, it was the first Passover Seder.  They came in as they always do with the lists in their hands.  And they suspected nothing.  We watched them round up their victims as we had watched them round them up before.  As always they took the old and the weak, the ones who could not work for them, the lame, the halt, and the blind, the decrepit, the ones who were useless to the Master Race.

The scene was an old one to us.  We had seen it many times before.  We betrayed no emotion when they tore a child from the arms of its mother, clubbing it to death before our eyes.  This was routine.  Nor did we cry out when they took Reb Shmulkevich, that harmless old sage, a lover of the classics and a student of the Talmud all his life.  Half-starved, old, infirm, he did not move as fast as the gauleiter desired.  They pulled his beard, and booted him in the genitals, leaving him writhing on the cobblestones.  Perhaps it was mercy when a storm-trooper spitted him with a bayonet.

No, we said nothing.  We watched and said nothing.  But the call was already out.  Our time had come.

We had made our decision.  Unanimously.  Like the Maccabees whose blood flowed in our veins we would fight.  For so long we had submitted, tried to appease those whom nothing could appease.

What had we to lose?  Our lives.  Our laughter is harsh and ironic.  What were our lives?  We were outcasts, pariahs, beyond the pale, slaves to the Master Race.  They killed us without -mercy, looted, plundered, raped our women and we adapted ourselves.

Our elders said we had to submit.  It was our duty to survive.  God would help us.  The wrath of God would fall upon the oppressor as his hand fell upon Pharaoh.

They were our elders, our rabbis, the leaders of our people.  We listened.  Some of us never listened.  I was for fight from the beginning.  But we heeded the admonition of our elders and our resistance was only passive.

But all the time we planned.  We contacted the Polish underground.  Many of my friends joined the guerrillas in the forest.  I stayed.  My place was here.  It takes courage to keep your hands at your sides, to wait, and wait, and wait.

But we could not wait if we had not planned.  We smuggled in arms – pistols, hand grenades, knives, some rifles, even a few machine guns.  In the depth of our misery we waited and prepared.

When they came with the deportation plan we saw through their diabolical scheme.  But we were not ready, not yet ready.  By now we had organization.  We met in little cells.  We could trust each other.  Who among us would betray a fellow Jew to the enemy?

Each of us had a pistol and by now the rabbis were with us.  They too knew of the crematorium at Lublin, the death camps at Trawnicki and Krakow.

Adam Czymansky, the president of the Warsaw synagogue, committed suicide.  He hoped his action would bring our plight to the rest of the world.  He was wrong.  Suicide is not the way.  If you die you must take an enemy with you.  Do not do his work for him.

While the Nazi brutes gathered their pitiful victims we gathered our forces.  Long ago we had picked out our password for that day.


The gestapo rats suspected nothing.  They did not notice us creeping out of the cellars.  None of them saw me creep up to the sentinel at the ghetto gate.  None of them heard when I slit his throat, like a schochet would a chicken.  How could they hear: His sound went no further than his throat where the knife met and stilled it.

They laughed and chuckled at their work.  The pigs enjoyed it.  For these it was their last laugh, their last chuckle.

It is beautiful to kill a Nazi.  It is honest work, a satisfying duty, like pulling weeds, or exterminating rats.

Sometimes I wonder at myself.  How could I feel that way?  I, a Talmud student, a believer in the Commandments.  “Thou Shalt Not Kill.”

I used to blanche at the sight of blood.  My mother wanted me to become a doctor, a healer.  But I was against it.  I thought that I could not stand the sight I or stench of blood.

Since then I had seen much blood spilled, always Jewish blood, and always let by the Nazis.  I had seen the corpses of my people in the streets of the ghetto and fat the factories.  I had seen the Nazis stride into our synagogue and desecrate our altars with their killing.  How often they violated the Sabbath eve with their murder.

The sight of blood became as familiar as the veins in my hand, as normal as the anger which grew in my heart, as inevitable as the purpose which sharpened in my mind.

So it became a pleasure to destroy those who had destroyed pleasure.  I would think as I would draw a bead with a rifle, “This will hit him in the stomach right about the belly button.  He will sit down suddenly and watch his guts desert him.  The bullet will make a small hole in the front and a large hole in the back and it will rip his intestines as it passes.  He will not like the feeling.  Maybe then he will remember the little boy he clubbed to death, or the Jewish girl he raped.  He will suffer a long time and his moans will disturb his comrades.  It will remind them of the fate which awaits them.  Even then he will die too soon though he lived too long.”

In that first fight we learned we were better men than the Nazis.  We saw then that they were afraid of us, that they were only little men wearing large and heavy armor.  When it came to the showdown we had more courage.  But they had the tanks and the incendiaries.  We had purpose and determination but they had all the food and all the drink that they wanted.

On that day we left none of them alive.  Not one storm-trooper who came into the ghetto left it.  They hardly put up a fight.  Terrorized completely they died like rabbits.  We did not lose a man and we gained many rifles and lugers.

Most important we gained several uniforms.  Once- we removed the damned yellow badge and put one of them on who of the super race could tell us from them.

Thus the battle began.

We knew the Hitlerites would strike to quell our revolt.  We knew that already gestapo headquarters had sent out a call for reinforcements, that they were routing the seine out of the beer halls and the brothels.

We prepared.  The ghetto wall was a natural barricade.  The women heated hot water for us to hurl from the roofs.  We dispatched messages to the guerrillas.  Our arms came out of hiding.  Messengers hurried to the slave factories and our young men left their benches and hurried to the defense of the ghetto.

Nor did we wait.  We attacked.  Bands of us tore off our yellow badges and invaded Warsaw proper.  We learned how easy it was to kill, a simple thrust of the knife, a twist, and you can wipe it on his uniform.

They came at us that night.  They hoped to overawe us with six tanks.  We let them come in for, by now we knew how to wait.  When they reached the main street we let loose.  They tried to flee but they were too late.  They were cremated in their tanks.

The uprising became general.  Each house became a fortress, each cellar an arsenal.  We grouped our main strength in the larger houses and all that night we dug trenches in the streets.  Even the children were put to work.  They became our messengers.  They brought us food which the women and the old people prepared in the communal kitchens.

Next morning we hung up our flags.  Beside the Polish colors and the red flag we flew the pennant of Zion, the Star of David flying for the first time in this war.

By noon a cordon had been established around the ghetto by the Germans.  Many Poles, suspected of complicity, were killed.  Ten tanks, besides numerous machine guns and small arms, headed the Nazi array.  They opened fire almost immediately.  Our answering fusillade was telling.

Still they underestimated us.  They refused to admit to themselves the fierceness of our resolve.  But they had to stop us.  The news of this battle must be contained.  The outside world must never learn of this breach of the Nazi festung’s inner defenses.  But that was just why we were fighting, why I am writing.  The world must know what we have done here.

A council of leaders were organized.  In it were the leaders of every schism and sect in ghetto life.  Atheists and orthodox Jews united in a common bond.  Communists fought shoulder to shoulder with Revisionist Zionists.

I was wounded that first day.  Just a scratch.  Not worth mentioning.  I participated in a sortie just about twilight.  The enemy tanks had been destroyed and we were determined to capture the survivors.  In a mad charge we swept them before us but I didn’t see the surrender – the clubbed end of a rifle slugged me unconscious, lacerating and tearing open my scalp.

For one week I was out unable to fight not even knowing what was going on.  During my convalescence I fell in love.  Romantic, isn’t it.  In the midst of all this terror, both of us certain we would never live through the battle, Deborah and I fell in love.

I didn’t find this out until several days later but it was Deborah who saved my life.  When she saw me fall in the melee she dashed out of the shelter of the building and dragged me back.  How she was not hit by a flying bullet, or a stray shell fragment none could explain.

Anyway, for the record, we fell in love.  I write this because it is important not because it was me or even because of Deborah.  It is important because it proves that life went on even in the shadow of death.  We were married during the siege and we both spent our wedding night on the barricades.

Realization had finally come to the gestapo that they were dealing with an organized revolt Orders came from Berlin that the ghetto was to be destroyed.  Somehow we knew this.  How, I cannot tell, but we have our own intelligence which maintained liaison with the Polish underground throughout the siege.

Once, I know, we asked them to rise with us and they sorrowfully answered.  “For us, the time is not yet ripe.”

And we fought on, each apartment a fort, each building a citadel.  Slowly under the weight of superior force we gave up for each advance they made but we paid too.  We fought with everything we had, boiling water, bricks, cobblestones, but still our ammunition could not last.  Each day our ranks were thinned, more and more.

On the eighth day of the siege our spirits were greatly raised by the news that the prisoners in the Pawiak jail had heard of our uprising and had sent a message to us saying.  “Save us and we will fight for you.”  Now was the time for the captured German uniforms.  That night 400 of us donned the swastika, slipped through the German cordon, and attacked the prison stockade.  We were successful.  All the prisoners, including Nazi deserters joined our ranks.

The fiercest attack came on the ninth day.  Tanks poured through the breaches in the ghetto wall, cannon lumbering behind them.  Volley after volley was leveled against us.  Our suicide squads met this attack by disguising themselves in German uniforms and crawling under the tanks to blow themselves and the tanks up.  For the Nazis their loss of life was terrific.  They withdrew and gave up the attack.

From then on the horror began in the ghetto.  Each night we would be bombed with incendiaries.  We organized fire brigades and fought the flames as best as we could but we could not save all the buildings.  Night after night other houses were consumed in the flames.  The ghetto became a funeral pyre for our warriors, and our women and children.

We hoped and prayed that our example would fire the rest of enslaved Poland to revolt.  But the days passed and the battle did not spread beyond the confines of the ghetto.

Meanwhile we fought on and on and on, retreating from building to building, killing as long as we could, dying as best we could.

Now this is the morning of the forty-second day.  This is the last day.  We know it Deborah knows it.  I know it

Today all of us will die.

Already, as I write this on that roof of the last building left standing in the area, the sun is beginning to rise in the east.  With the dawn will come the last and final attack.

It is a miracle that we have lasted this long.  Forty-two days.  Six weeks.  Seven, days to each week.  Twenty-four hours to each day.  Sixty minutes to each hour.  Sixty seconds to each minute – and each second filled with fighting, the rumble of tanks through the narrow ghetto streets, the clipped staccato of machine gun bullets, the bark of rifles, the crackle of flames burning the ghetto, the sound St buildings collapsing, bombs bursting, the sound and the smell of death.

From my eyrie up here I can see all of the ghetto.  Remnants, of buildings thrust upward from the ground like jagged teeth.  There is debris everywhere.  Bodies lie unburied, rotting.  In the distance, out of rifle shot, I can see the Germans regrouping, getting ready for the final lunge.

I have little time for they will come soon.  I do not know whether or not this will ever be read.  But this story must be told.  The world must listen.  They must know of the Jews of Warsaw.  They must hear of the descendants of the Maccabees, the sons of Joshua and of Gideon, the warriors whom, unafraid as David, faced the nazi Goliath.


Again I am on the roof.  Fate has reserved me for the last.  This building has six floors.  Fourteen stairs separate each floor.  On each of these steps we have left a life, taking two for each one we gave.

Deborah, my wife, was the first to die this morning.  She expired in my arms.  I ask no more.  Soon I will join her.

We fought for every room, every stick of furniture.  We covered ourselves with glory.

Now only I am left but they will not have me alive.

With me on the roof I have the flag of the Jews, the flag of the nation that is no nation.

I am going to wrap myself in it and I am going to jump off the roof.  I will die as Anna and her sons did in ancient times.

I die but in my dying I know the Jews will live, forever.  We are tough.  We will bounce back.  The Jews will never die.

I will die as a Jew should, shrouded with the flag of my people, with the Shema on my lips, for my name is Israel.

Some comments…

Obviously a work of fiction, perhaps “Warsaw Epitaph” was inspired by contemporary news accounts and fiction in The Forward (Forverts), The Jewish Morning Journal, and Der Tog, as well as the “general” press.

In any event, regardless of his sources, some facets of his story are intriguing.  Such as…

…The comment about, “…Reb Shmulkevich, that harmless old sage, a lover of the classics and a student of the Talmud all his life,” evokes the question: Would an elderly Talmudic Scholar in the Warsaw of 1943 even be a devotee of “the classics” (implying secular literature…?), in the first place?  Perhaps this characterization of a rabbi as a scholar who bridged the worlds of Talmud and contemporary culture, was intended to facilitate a largely secular audience’s identification with the story.

…The narrator, symbolically named “Israel”, describes himself as, “…a Talmud student, a believer in the Commandments.  “Thou Shalt Not Kill.”  Really?  If “Israel” was a “Talmud student”, then he certainly needed to brush up on his Tanach, for that statement is a disconcertingly common mistranslation of the sixth commandment, probably inspired by secular or non-Jewish sources.  The correct text actually reads, “You shall not murder.”      

…The sentence, “We knew the Hitlerites would strike to quell our revolt,” would – yes – actually be correct in the setting of this story.  Though I’ve never encountered this word  – “Hitlerites” – in American or British news reports, military documents, or popular articles in reference to German military forces or German WW II war crimes, the appellation was commonly used as a noun and / or epithet in Soviet WW II news items and military documents (along with the terms “Fascist”, “German-Fascists”, and “Occupiers”) as opposed to the simple and more valid term “Germans”.

“Beside the Polish colors and the red flag we flew the pennant of Zion, the Star of David flying for the first time in this war.”  I don’t know enough about the history of the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt to know if the Polish national flag, some variant of a communist or Soviet “red” flag, and Zionist flag, were simultaneously flown during the revolt.  Perhaps there’s something about this in Marek Edelman’s The Ghetto Fights (listed below).

Withall, the essay, like “Why I Fight,” is a fine example of Jack’s literary skill.  What it lacks in historical veracity it makes up for – at least, by the standards of the day – in being an attempt at sincerely expressing anguish, solidarity, and inspiration. 


Jack Zurofsky’s portrait, which accompanied the article in The Philadelphia Inquirer


A photo of Jack and New York Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia, in a photo published in the Brooklyn Eagle on June 3, 1944.  Originally from Manhattan, Jack resided lived in Brooklyn with his sister, prior to entering the Army.


Jack Zurofsky passed away in mid-September of 1999. 

Alas, I know nothing more about Ben Weiner.  I assume that he, too, has since left this life. 

But, Ben’s words remain as valid now, as they did seventy-seven years ago. 

And, given ideological, political, and sociological trends in the world of 2020, even more.




Communication from Jack J. Zurofsky’s daughter, Rena.  (Thank you, Rena!)

News Articles (Chronologically Listed)

Corporal Ben Weiner

Jewish Times (Baltimore), Sept. 24, 1943, “We Fight For The Jew, Too” – A Soldier in North Africa Describes His Credo (Essay by Ben Weiner)

Jewish Advocate (Boston), Dec. 16, 1943 – “We Fight for the Jew, Too”, by Corporal Ben Weiner

Corporal Jack J. Zurofsky

New York Times, Dec. 25, 1943, “Yule Cheer Buoys Troops in Algiers”

New York Times, Feb. 27, 1944, “G.I. Cast In Algiers Ready For Its Show”

New York Times, May 14, 1944, “Brooklyn Soldier Wins Essay Prize”

New York Times, Sept. 14, 1999, Death notice for Jack J. Zurofsky

Philadelphia Inquirer, May 14, 1944, “‘Why I Fight’ – Corporal, 28, in North Africa Wins Army Essay Contest”

New York Daily News, May 22, 1944, “Listening In, with Ben Gross” (Eddie Cantor’s upcoming radio narration of Jack Zurofsky’s essay, scheduled for June 11, 1944)

Jewish Advocate, June 8, 1944, “In Our Country’s Service” (Biographical profile of Corporal Jack Zurofsky)

Jewish Advocate, Oct. 19, 1944, “Warsaw Epitaph – ‘Today I Die'”, by Corporal Jack J. Zurofsky (Essay about Warsaw Ghetto Revolt)

Jewish Telegraphic Agency News Bulletin, No. 124, June 29, 1961, “Jack J. Zurofsky to Head CJFWF Community Relations Programs”

– and –

Dublin, Louis I., and Kohs, Samuel C., American Jews in World War II – The Story of 550,000 Fighters for Freedom, The Dial Press, New York, N.Y., 1947

Edelman, Marek, The Ghetto Fights – Translation of a pamphlet published in Warsaw, Poland, in 1945 by the Central Committee of the “Bund”, American Representation of the General Jewish Workers’ Union of Poland, New York, N.Y., 1946

Gilbert, Martin, Atlas of Jewish History, Dorset Press, 1976


2020 06 30

Measures of  Valor: American Jewish Military Service in World War One – Part One

“His old man had plunged into America.”


This post – “Measures of  Valor: American Jewish Military Service in World War One – Part One” – is the first of three discussions focusing upon the military service of American Jews in the First World War.  Ironically, however, matters of fact are often best understood through the lens of fiction, which not uncommonly lends insight into the character of men and the spirit of an age.  So, let’s begin with a passage from Saul Bellow’s 1973 novel Humboldt’s Gift, describing the writer “Von Humboldt Fleisher”, who was loosely modeled after the poet, essayist, short story writer, and editor Delmore Schwartz , whose extremely creative yet sadly turbulent life, spanning the mid-part of the twentieth centry, ended all too early.

“…He said that history was a nightmare during which he was trying to get a good night’s rest. …  When he spoke of wealth he was in a position to compare Roman luxus with American Protestant riches.  He generally got around to the Jews – Joyce’s silk-hatted Jews outside the Bourse.”

“His father, a Jewish Hungarian immigrant, had ridden with Pershing’s cavalry in Chihuahua, chasing Pancho Villa in a Mexico of whores and horses (very different from my own father, a small gallant person who shunned such things).  His old man had plunged into America.”

This depiction of Fleisher, mentioned in the Tikvah Fund Podcast of April 3, 2019, “Daniel Gordis (in a conversation with Jonathan Silver on the Rift Between American and Israeli Jews” (specifically at 13:20-13:57), sheds light upon an intriguing void within the annals of American Jewish history.  That is, why, in the decades immediately following the First World War’s end, was no comprehensive, detailed, and substantive account of the military service of American Jews during that just-ended conflict created, published, and distributed? 

Well, okay…  That question’s a bit of a “set-up”, for a nominal account of the World War One military service of American Jews was created, and, was made available to the public.

This was in 1919, only one year after the war’s end. 

This publication took the form of the 50-page-long pamphlet The War Record of American Jews – The First Report of War Records of the American Jewish Committee.  However, this work, which merely scratched the surface of a topic vast, was mightily dwarfed in length and content by several publications – books, actually – covering the Great War military service of the Jews of Australia, England, France, Italy, New Zealand (and Germany, albeit not Austria-Hungary) which were published in those countries from the 1920s through the 1930s.

Information about the genesis of The War Record of American Jews is available in the “Guide to the Records of the American Jewish Committee – Office of Jewish War Records, undated, 1918-1921, 1962”, a finding aid of the American Jewish Historical Society (at the Center for Jewish History in New York).  The text below, about the pamphlet’s creation, is summarized from this document.

There, in a “Historical Note”, it’s reported that, “At the 11th Annual Meeting of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) on 11 November 1917, … members discussed “The matter of collecting complete and accurate statistics of Jews in the military and naval service of the United States…” and resolved that “…the Bureau of Statistics be directed to make every effort to secure data of this character.”  This effort was set to be placed under the direction of Julian Leavitt. 

This enterprise was reflective of the “longstanding concern of Jewish leadership” to record and publicize accounts of Jewish participation in the armed forces of the United States.  This had already resulted in three prior studies:

1) The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen, by Simon Wolf (1895), which covered Jewish military service in the United States from the American Revolution through the Civil War;

2) A “Preliminary List of Jews Serving in the Spanish American War”, in the American Jewish Year Book for 5661 (1900-01);

3) “Jews in the United States Army and Navy”, also in the American Jewish Year Book; in the year 5677 (1916-17)).

At the AJC’s 12th Annual Meeting in mid-November of 1918, the organization’s Executive Committee reported that during its meeting of nearly a year before (in mid-December of 1917) the Committee’s bureau of statistics was directed to undertake the task of data collection about American Jewish WW I military service, with American Jewish organizations being contacted for assistance in this task.  The work resulted, within the AJC’s Twelfth Annual Report for the year 1918 (issued in 1919), in the creation of the The War Record of American Jews – First Report of the Office of Jewish War Records (OJWR), which was issued on January 1, 1919.

The 13th Annual Report of the AJC contained the Second Report of the OJWR, which was dated 19 October 1919.  The number of records collected pertaining to individual servicemen had by then reached 175,000, of which 150,000 were unduplicated from the first effort.  Quoting from the Report: “… The present figures tend to strongly confirm the estimate…that the Jews of America have probably contributed, numerically, from thirty-three to fifty per cent more than their quota.”

And, of particular interest (for this purpose of this post!), is this startling statement [My italics.]  “The Second Report estimated that if funds were available to complete the full project, the results of which when published, it would comprise three volumes of text and analysis and 12-15 volumes of individual war records.”

“The names and service data of individual Jewish servicemen were obtained from various sources: the JWB (Jewish Welfare Board); national Jewish organizations; local congregations, fraternal organizations, labor unions, and Zionist organizations; newspaper reports; information solicited from servicemen, their families and relatives; and War Department and Draft Board lists.”

“In addition to the collection of basic service data on Jews in the military from these sources, the OJWR sent out 16,000 detailed questionnaires to Jews whom it believed had served as Commissioned Officers and to servicemen, both Officer and the Ranks, or their next of kin, whom it believed had been wounded or killed, and/or were cited for honors.  As of the date of the Second Report, 5000 replies had been received.”

The 14th Annual Report of the AJC contained the Third Report of the OJWR, dated 14 November 1920.  This edition of Third Report anticipated the publication of a Fourth and final report, “now in preparation.” 

“The Third Report increased the total number of Jews who had served from 200,000 to 225,000.  The Report also confirmed a 4 per cent Jewish participation in military service in comparison to the 3 per cent Jewish population of the U.S., and a volunteer rate of 20 per cent, “…unexcelled, as far as known, by any other element of the American population.”  The OJWR estimated that approximately 2,800 Jews had died in service.”     


Here’s an article about the Third Report of the OJWR, as it appeared in The Jewish Exponent on February 18, 1921.  A transcript follows…


From all present indications the record of Jewish service in the war appears to have been remarkable in these respects:

1. The total number of Jews in the service during the war may be conservatively estimated on the basis of available evidence, at from 200,000 to 225,000.

2. Proportionately, although they constituted but three per cent of the total population of the United States, they appear to have contributed more than four per cent of the armed forces of the United States which, on Armistice Day, numbered 4,800,000.

3. The volunteer spirit appears to have been the principal factor in the contribution.  According to the best evidence there were nearly 40,000 Jewish volunteers in the service, or practically twenty per cent of the total Jewish contingent.  This is a record unexcelled, as far as now known, by any other element of the American population. 

4. The record of honors conferred upon Jewish soldiers for valor in action is notable.  No less than 1100 citations for valor are on file in the office of Jewish War Records.  Of these 723 were conferred by the American command, 287 by the French, 33 by the British and 46 by various other allied commands.  Of the most valued Congressional Medical of Honor – of which only 78 have been conferred to date – at least three were awarded to Jewish soldiers.  The Distinguished Service Cross is worn by at least 150 American Jews, the rare French Medaille Militaire by four American Jews and the Croix de Guerre by 174 Jews in the A.E.F.

5. There were nearly 10,000 Jewish commissioned officers in the several branches of the service.  In the army there were more than 100 colonels and lieutenant colonels, more than 500 majors, 1500 captains and over 6000 lieutenants.  In the navy there were over 900 Jewish commissioned officers, the highest rank reached being that of rear admiral.  In the Marine Corps there were over 100 Jewish commissioned officers, including one brigadier general.

6. The total of Jewish casualties, according to the latest estimates, was from 13,000 to 14,000, including about 2800 who made the supreme sacrifice.


But, there would be no further reports, for the OJWR closed on 31 July 1921, Leavitt having remained director throughout its existence.  Whether a “paper trail” concerning the creation of The War Record of American Jews, and the eventual abandonment of the project, still exists (let alone if such documents can be accessed now in 2020) is unknown.

In any event, what happened?

I don’t know.  But, I can offer conjecture…

As discussed by Harold Brackman in his recent Algemeiner essay, Dreyfus’ Long Shadow for American Jews, literary and social antisemitism became increasingly explicit and open within the United States through the 1920s.  And, if politics and culture reflect and reinforce one another – as they’ve done in the past; as they do in today 2020; as they always shall – this was doubtless true a century ago: during the decade immediately following the First World War

In relation to the above, it’s worth nothing that on September 25, 1919, less than a year after the war ended, President Woodrow Wilson presented his Final Address in Support of the League of Nations (mentioned in the Tikvah-Fund podcast at 5:30 to 6:00).  Therein, he stated, “I find, moreover, that there is an organized propaganda against the League of Nations and against the treaty proceeding from exactly the same sources that the organized propaganda proceeded from which threatened this country here and there with disloyalty, and I want to say – I cannot say too often – any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.”

And: “If I can catch any man with a hyphen in this great contest I will know that I have got an enemy of the Republic.”

So, amidst overlapping currents of openly expressed antisemitism, and the natural desire of the Jews of the United States – like any community of newly arrived and nauralized immigrants, let alone their descendants – to become fully Americanized, perhaps it was felt better in senses both individual and collective not to call attention to oneself “as a Jew” – as a member of a distinct and collective people, even in the most genuinely patriotic context – instead defining and viewing one’s identity solely in religious and individualistic terms, and even then, solely within the larger context of American history and society. 

As discussed in the podcast, this mindset could be viewed as an illustration of different concepts of Jewish identity manifested by the Jews of the United States (let alone, in a historical sense, any diaspora community) versus a setting where Jews would be politically autonomous.  Such, as the pre-1948 Yishuv, and, the post-May 1948 nation state of Israel.  There, by virtue of a “return” to active political, social, and military autonomy, even if that autonomy has often been ambiguous and uncertain, the ethos was different.  The reason being, that the re-emergence of active Jewish nationalism (well, it never really went away) and the re-establishment of the state of Israel confronted the Jewish people with the implications of returning to and acting within history, with all the challenges, complexities, and compromises – let alone sorrows and joys – implicit to nationhood.

(Certainly these categories of thought and identity can painted in very broad and many-hued strokes.  There has always been enormous variation in political, ideological, and religious opinion among the Jewish people, whether in Israel, the United States, or elsewhere.  Alas, “geography” alone – being a little euphemistic, there – has never been a guarantee of common sense, political wisdom, ethics, or a grasp of history, as explained here, here, and especially in Daniel Gordis’ Times of Israel Essay of March 23, “We will guard and protect you’: Our forgotten promise to Israel“.  In any event, I think Gordis and Silver’s discussion of this topic offers a profound grasp of how history is perceived and acted upon – knowingly and unknowingly; by decision and default – by groups and individuals alike.) 

In sum, America offered – ostensibly, in theory, and typically in reality (whether that reality emerged from indifference, calculation, or a place of uneasy compromise between the two) a refuge from history. 

So with that refuge from history, came a release from history.  Not, of course, American history, but Jewish history.

Well, maybe.  Well, thus far.  Or, to paraphrase an adage about military conflict, “You may not be interested in history, but history may be interested in you.”  Put it another way (here once again fiction illuminates fact!): As science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick explained in his short story, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, “…an illusion, no matter how convincing, remained nothing more than an illusion.  At least objectively.  But subjectively, quite the opposite, entirely.” 

(And there I’ll leave the matter.)

For a greater understanding of the complexities this subject, you might want to read Are We One? – Jewish Identity in the United States and Israel, by Dr. Jerold S. Auerbach (Rutgers University Press, 2001), Assimilation and Its Discontents (1995) by the late Barry M. Rubin, and, America, Its Jews, and The Rise of Nazism, by Dr. Gulie Ne’eman Arad (Indiana University Press, 2000).  The latter places the events discussed in David S. Wyman’s well-known The Abandonment of the Jews in a deeper, clearer, and disconcerting historical context.  Particularly interesting in Dr. Arad’s book is the chapter “Hard Times in the Golden Medine – The Jewish Question in the American Context”, which covers American Jewry during the the decade in question for “this” post: the 20s and 30s.  On a different nore, for a candid sociological picture of Jews of the United States – neither lachrymose nor indulging in Spielbergian hagiography – I suggest Charles S. Liebman’s The Ambivalent American Jew – Politics, Religion, and Family in American Jewish Life, the observations of which, though published in 1973, remain as valid in 2020 as they did forty-seven years ago.

So, returning to our subject…  In the context of the 1920s, by the time the American Jewish Committee had amassed sufficient information to create one or more (and probably several) volumes about the military service of American Jews during the just-ended conflict, it would not be surprising if the motivation, desire, and confidence to pursue the project had simply evaporated.  The only publication that emerged from the AJC’s well-intended efforts was entirely incommensurate with the scope of the military service of American Jews during that conflict, let alone the range of historical memory and archival information that awaited collection, contemplation, analysis, and presentation. 

And there, the effort ended.

In any event…  Two decades later after the Great War’s end, the absence of comprehensive information about the WW I military service of American Jews was discussed in the April 2, 1943 issue of Pittsburgh’s Jewish Criterion.  This appeared in a brief article which presented the thoughts of Dr. Joshua Bloch, chief librarian of the Jewish Division (now the Dorot Jewish Division) of The New York Public Library.  Dr. Bloch’s comments about the absence of an account of Jewish military participation in the First World War were elicited in the context discussing the imperative of chronicling Jewish military service in the Second World War, which – for the United States – had commenced two and a half years previously.  

A transcript of the Criterion’s article appears below this image; the italics are my own.

Jewish Record in Last War Never Revealed, Charge

NEW YORK – Dr. Joshua Bloch, head of the Jewish Department of the New York Public Library and noted authority in the field of Jewish research, charges in the Congress Weekly that “The Jews of America, acting in good faith, placed in the custody of the American Jewish Committee the records of their patriotism during the first World War,” but that the, “full record of American Jewish participation has not been made public.”

“Whether the appalling manner in which this undertaking was bungled is due to bureaucratic arrogance or inefficiency or to a well-known theory of the Jewish self-effacement and the negation of our historic identity,” he declares, the Committee has never released a complete record of the contribution made by 150,000 Jews to the winning of the last conflict.”

Pointing out that “the American Jews were required to provide the required funds, a total close to $150,000,” Dr. Bloch asks the fate of the records, of which he says, “it is rumored that a good many are no longer in existence.”  [In this he seems to have been fortunately incorrect, though he may have not known so at the time.]

The article concludes, “Fated to share in another world-wide ordeal of mankind, at the greatest cost to out people, we now again face the task of assembling the records of our service and sacrifice, not alone to satisfy our sense of pride and dignity, but to preserve a moral historic claim with which our future welfare is closely bound up.  The undertaking of a quarter of a century ago should serve as an example of pitfalls to be avoided.  Obviously the organizations and the people connected with the American Jewish Committee and agencies under its control can no longer be entrusted with an enterprise which proved to be far beyond their capacity or sense of responsibility.  It is high time that new and more responsive persons be brought in to this and similar public activities.”


Well, what about The War Record of American Jews?  As mentioned in the Center for Jewish History’s finding aid, “The First Report documented the creation of 100,000 records of individuals identified as Jews and estimated that a total of 150,000 to 200,000 Jews had served in the American armed forces,” and noted that, “the percentage of Jews serving in the military exceeded their percentage of the U.S. population, especially in the combat arms.”  Book director Julian Leavitt concluded that “The Jews of America have contributed their full quota to the winning of the war, and a generous margin beyond their quota; that they have enlisted cheerfully, fought gallantly and died bravely for the United States.”

In terms of content, the book is divided into three major sections.

The first section (pages 7 through 15), a, “Report on the Collection of Jewish War Records,” presents the numbers of Jews serving in different branches of the military, a comparison of the number of Jews in the military against the overall Jewish population in the United States, and the distribution of Jews in combatant and non-combatant branches of the armed forces, concluding with the numbers – as then definitively known, and as estimated – of Jewish military casualties.

The second section (pages 15 through 29) is a, “…tentative list of official citations noted to date, although manifestly incomplete, [which] will serve to give an idea of the valor of Jewish soldiers in action.”  Notably, the book states, “The list of all citations will therefore be prepared for publication as soon as sufficient information with respect to these honors shall be available.”  However, the book neither presents the criteria by which these soldiers were selected, nor does it specify the award(s) for which the soldiers received citations.  (More about these men, below.)

Finally, the third section of the book (pages 30 through 50) – the Appendix – is a “Note on Methods of Search”, actually a, “Reprint of an article “The Collection of Jewish War Statistics,” from the American Jewish Year Book 5679 (1918-19).”  Obviously rather “dry” and not amendable for publication in a newspaper (!), this section includes eight tables presenting the actual counts of Jews serving in all branches of the military, by such criteria as state and city of residence, within branches of service in the army, and – for officers – by rank in the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps.  The final table lists the “Ratio of Jewish Casualties to Total Casualties with the American Expeditionary Forces Recorded to November 1, 1918.

That’s lots of data.

So, some thoughts and questions.

The AJC’s pamphlet is an important starting point, but it seems that the whole endeavor was undergirded by the need – a need so deeply internalized that its presence may have been simply taken a priori for granted – to validate and legitimize the “place” of American Jews within the larger context of American society, rather than the simple, nominal motivation to record, preserve, and present official history and personal memory.  So, while thirty of the book’s fifty pages are devoted to the presentation and discussion of statistics, only 15 pages actually comprise – in abbreviated form; in perfunctory form – information about the soldiers themselves, as people; as individuals; as men.  This manner of chronicling Jewish military service, and thereby refuting animosity against Jews and validating Jewish citizenship and patriotism – through statistics; through objective fact – similarly appeared in the context of documenting (during World War One and after) the military service of German Jews, and manifested itself in reporting about American Jewish military service twenty years later, during the Second World War.  But, however historically worthwhile and well intended, I can’t help be reminded of Maurice Samuel’s observation in The Gentleman and The Jew, to the effect that, “The argument was sound in theory, but rather shaky in practical application.  It neglected, first, to ask whether anti-Semites would look when Jews pointed.”

Anyway, for the AJC’s researchers, compilers, and editors, what was book’s intended audience?  The Jews of the United States, with the book being a historical record and symbol of collective pride and self-assurance?  Or nebulously, American society “in general” – however viewed and imagined; however aspired to; however viewed with a combination of respect, devotion, and patriotism, let alone trepidation, fear, and awe  – with the book being a literary form of social propitiation, during a time of ambivalence and uncertainty?

The answer, probably, was both.


Though I’ve primarily focused on the Jewish military experience during the Second World War (and still do), I’ve also been attempting to identify American Jewish military casualties of WW I (killed, wounded, and POWs).  Inspiration for this project has arisen from many sources, in particular some news items published by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in the early 2000s. 

This project has proven to be a little challenging, primarily because there’s no single, pre-existing source of such information that can be entered (albeit with lots of digitizing and / or typing!) into a database, unlike Les Israelites dans l’Armée Française (for WW I French Jewish military casualties), or Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch (for German Jewish military casualties in the same war), where the information – a lot of it – is already “there”.

So, I’ve investigated a wide variety of digital, textual, and microfilm records from the years of WW I, which sometimes contradict one another. 

Perhaps in time I’ll finish the work.  At the same time, I wouldn’t be surprised if upon the yet-unknown date of the project’s completion, “that” world will differ greatly from the world today, in 2020.

The way things are going, it probably will.  But, that’s the subject of a different sort of essay.

So, anyway… 

…for now, here’s a random “sample” of the information I’ve acquired in this endeavor: A list of American Jewish soldiers who were casualties on the 12th of October in the year 1918 (or, 6 Cheshvan 5679).

Of the men listed below, two, Pvt. Samuel Goldstein and 2 Lt. David Hochstein, were never found.  Perhaps they’re among the 1,673 unknowns buried at American Battle Monuments Commission Cemeteries in Europe.  The number of unknowns at each such cemetery, derived from downloading and analyzing records from the ABMC website, is listed below:

Aisne-Marne – 249
Brookwood – 41
Flanders – 21
Meuse-Argonne – 486
Oise-Aisne – 601
Saint Mihiel – 137
Somme – 132
Suresnes – 6

So, some names.

Killed in Action

– .ת. נ. צ. ב. ה


Bereznitzki, Benjamin, PFC, 1,900,127
82nd Infantry Division, 325th Infantry Regiment, M Company
Mr. Julius Miller (friend), 126 Charles St., Fitchburg, Ma.
61 B Valley St., Lawrence, Ma.
Born Grodno, Russia, 4/24/90
Vocation: Junkman (self-employed), Lawrence, Ma.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot D, Row 29, Grave 2


Blick, David, Pvt., 1,281,849
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, K Company
Wounded 10/12/18; died of Wounds 10/21/18
Mr. Samuel Blick (father), 549 Livingston St., Elizabeth, N.J.
Miss Lillian Blick (sister), 1056 Elizabeth Ave., Elizabeth, N.J.
Born Odessa, Russia, 1894
Oheb Shalom Cemetery, Hillside, N.J. – Buried 7/17/21

Portrait c/o FindAGrave contributor Robert


Cohen, Samuel, Cpl., 1,278,184
29th Infantry Division, 113th Infantry Regiment, D Company
Mrs. Lena Cohen (mother), 207 16th Ave., Newark, N.J.
232 Seymour Ave., Newark, N.J.
Born Newark, N.J., 1899
Place of burial unknown

, Oscar, Pvt., 368,930

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, K Company
Mrs. Regina Cohen (mother), 210 West 109th St., New York, N.Y.
403 Avenue C, West Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mrs. Theresa Doctor, Mrs. Jennie Galluber, Mrs. Martha Pincus, Joseph, and Walter (sisters and brothers)
Born New York, N.Y., 4/13/96
Brooklyn Eagle 8/28/21
Union Field Cemetery, Ridgewood, N.Y. – Buried 8/28/21

, David, Pvt., 482,350

4th Infantry Division, 39th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Died of Wounds
Mrs. Rose Eisenberg (mother), 3147 Carlisle Place, Chicago, Il.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot C, Row 45, Grave 12


Felbel, Frank J., 2 Lt.
1st Infantry Division, 28th Infantry Regiment, I Company
Mr. Jacob Felbel (father), 216 W. 89th St., New York, N.Y.
Born New York, N.Y., 12/29/89
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot A, Row 42, Grave 36

Portrait c/o FindAGrave contributor Jim Craig


Feldberg, Harry, PFC, 2,672,238
82nd Infantry Division, 325th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Mr. Isadore Feldberg (brother), 345 Georgia Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
21 East 117th St. / 105 Henry St., New York, N.Y.
Born Kiev, Russia, 2/15/91
Vocation: Salesman, Bird-Ston Dress Co., 114 E. Broadway, New York, N.Y.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot B, Row 19, Grave 30

, Max, Pvt., 366,741

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, M Company
Mrs. Pauline Frank (mother), 109 Cole St., Jersey City, N.J.
23 Arch St., New Haven, Ct.
Born New York, N.Y., 6/21/93
Vocation: Building Clerk, Sperry & Barnes, New Haven, Ct.
North Arlington Jewish Cemetery, North Arlington, N.J.

, Raoul, Pvt., 52,801

1st Infantry Division, 26th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Died of Wounds
Mr. Milton T. Levy (friend), 233 Broadway, New York, N.Y.
Born Constantinople, Turkey, 1893
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot A, Row 34, Grave 31

Goldstein, Hyman, Pvt., 369,024
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Mr. Samuel Goldstein (father), 663 Fox St., New York, N.Y.
Born N.Y., New York, 1893
Place of burial unknown

, Ray D., Pvt., 962,305

United States Army Air Service – General Sup. Depot Fairfield, Oh., 678th Aero Squadron
Died of Illness
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin and Leah J. [1874-1921] Goldstein (parents), 2205 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, N.J.
Born Pemberton, N.J., 10/10/95
Vocation: Clerk (Auto Supplies), Reliable Auto Tire Supply Co., Atlantic City, N.J.
Rodef Sholom Cemetery, Cardiff, N.J.

Goldstein, Samuel, Pvt., 1,280,559
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, E Company
Mrs. Esther Goldstein (mother), 1102 Heck Ave., Asbury Park, N.J.
19 Prospect St., West Grove, N.J.
Born Russia, 4/10/96
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Tablets of the Missing


Hochstein, David, 2 Lt.
5th Infantry Division, 60th Infantry Regiment, E Company
Mrs. Helene Hochstein (mother), 421 Joseph Ave., Rochester, N.Y.
Born Rochester, N.Y., 2/16/92
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Tablets of the Missing

A vast amount of information is available concerning the life and legacy of David Hochstein, a virtuoso violinist of immense talent and promise.  The best start might be the David Hochstein Memorial Music School, which was created in his honor and memory.


Kaplan, Zorach, Pvt., 368,834
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, D Company
Mr. Morris Resnick (brother in law), 724 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
232 South 1st St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Minsk, Russia, 3/15/93
Vocation: Tailor, New York City
Other reference(s) give first name as “Zorak” or “Zorch”, while he wrote the name “Zorach” on his Draft Registration Card
Place of burial unknown

Kaufman, Reuben, PFC, 1,280,355
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, D Company
Mr. Max Kaufman (father), 20 Oxford St., Paterson, N.J.
Born West Hartley Pool, England, 1898
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot D, Row 13, Grave 29


Krinsky, Louis (Aharon Lev ben Eliyahu), Pvt., 367,710
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, E Company
(Also slightly wounded 9/17/18)
Mrs. Anna Krinsky (mother), 214 Levonia Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
678 Westchester Ave., New York, N.Y.
Born Prusnia, Krona, Russia, 7/15/90
Vocation: Tailor, Joseph Lunz, 31 East 32nd St., New York, N.Y.
Mount Judah Cemetery, Ridgewood, N.Y. – Map 383, Section 2, Block 12, Gate 5, Path R18, Grave 38 (Horodetz & Antip. Society)

Photographs of matzeva by FindAGrave contributor FOIA


Levin, Morris, Pvt., 368,377
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, E Company
(Also slightly wounded 9/16/18)
Mrs. May Levin (mother), 321 Vernon Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Korne, Russia, 1888
Place of burial unknown

, Philip, Cpl.

17th Infantry Division, 83rd Infantry Regiment, A Company
Died of illness in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Place of burial unknown

Lewis, Morse, Sgt., 749,132
3rd Infantry Division, E Company, 3rd Supply Train
Mrs. Ida Newmark (mother), 105 Waumbeck St., Roxbury, Ma.
1 Lt. Bernhard Shalit (cousin), 105 Waumbeck St., Roxbury, Ma.
Born 3/2/96
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot H, Row 2, Grave 8

, Moses, Pvt., 368,105

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, D Company
Miss Ida Lewis (sister), 860 East 161st St., New York, N.Y.
Born New York, N.Y.,10/31/93
Vocation: Superintendent, Central Tuppee, 28 South William St., New York, N.Y.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot F, Row 10, Grave 1

, William, Pvt., 4,155,165

88th Infantry Division, 350th Infantry Regiment, G Company
Died of illness
Mrs. Rose Linet (mother), 753 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Odessa, Russia, 12/20/95
Place of burial unknown

, Samuel, Pvt., 2,428,764

33rd Infantry Division, 132nd Infantry Regiment, M Company
Mrs. Sarah Markowitz (mother), 5608 Quincy Ave., Cleveland, Oh.
Born “Koono Komo”, Russia, 1892
Place of burial unknown

, Josel, PFC, 1,897,750

82nd Infantry Division, 325th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Mrs. Josel Mestezky (wife), 619 Porter St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Kosna, Russia, 1892
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot B, Row 15, Grave 39 (ABMC incorrectly lists surname as “Nestezsky”)


Milhiser, Harry Joseph, Pvt., 1,290,873
29th Infantry Division, 112th Machine-Gun Battalion, A Company
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. [10/17/56-5/24/31] and Rachel [6/22/53-9/28/28] Milhiser (parents), 1632 North Appleton St., Baltimore, Md.
Carrie, Edna, and Max (sisters and brother)
Born Millersburg, Pa., 6/7/86
Hebrew Friendship Cemetery, Baltimore, Md.

Photograph of matzeva by FindAGrave contributor Michelle


Nedlin, Max, Pvt., 482,769
7th Infantry Division, 55th Infantry Regiment, Machine-Gun Company
Mr. Morris Nedlin (brother), 1068 South Trumbull Ave., Chicago, Il.
Born Vilna, Russia, 4/26/91
Vocation: Tailor (unemployed)
Waldheim Jewish Cemetery, Chicago, Il.

, Harry, Cpl., 1,707,038

77th Infantry Division, 307th Infantry Regiment, L Company
Mr. Abraham N. Pariser (brother), 51 Chambers St., New York, N.Y.
1827 Clinton Ave., New York, N.Y.
Born New York, N.Y., 1892
Mount Hebron Cemetery, Flushing, N.Y. – Block 1, Section C, Lot 7 & 8, Grave 11

, Benjamin Alberts “Ben”, PFC, 1,978,350

33rd Infantry Division, 130th Infantry Regiment, M Company
Killed in action at Boise de Chaume, France
Mr. and Mrs. Eli and Bessie (Alberts) Robenovitz (parents), 2725 East Washington St., Indianapolis, In.
Brevort Hotel, Indianapolis, In.
Born “Hussi” (?), Romania, 5/20/92
Vocation: Salesman, L. Strauss and Company, 33 West Washington St., Indianapolis, In.
Congregation Esras Achem Cenetery, Marion County, In.

, Israel, Pvt., 367,913

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Mr. William Rosen (father), 770 East 165th St., New York, N.Y.
1072 Union Place, Bronx, N.Y.
Born Odessa, Russia, 1892
Place of burial unknown

, Sam, PFC, 1,709,354

77th Infantry Division, 308th Infantry Regiment, H Company
Died of Wounds
Mrs. Rose Rosenberg (mother), 88 Rivington St., New York, N.Y.
Born New York, N.Y., 2/26/95
Vocation: Clothes Dealer (with father), 88 Rivington St., New York, N.Y.
Possibly buried at Washington Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Straus, Raymond, Pvt., 368,062
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Mrs. Rebecca Straus (mother), 1908 Crotona Ave., New York, N.Y.
Born Samsonville, Vt., 11/4/95
Vocation: Clerk, New York, N.Y.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Plot H, Row 4, Grave 13

, Benjamin P., Pvt.

152nd Depot Brigade, 40th Company
Died of illness
45 Norway Park, Buffalo, N.Y.
Place of burial unknown

, Harry, PFC, 369,620

29th Infantry Division, 116th Infantry Regiment, D Company
Died of illness
Mr. Leo Frederick (uncle), 23 East 26th St., New York, N.Y.
650 Cleveland St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Galicia, Austria, Galicia, 1/15/92
Vocation: Cutter, L. Friederich, 23 East 26th St., New York, N.Y.
Union Field Cemetery, Ridgewood, Queens, N.Y.

, Harry, Cpl.

Quartermaster Corps, Florida, Camp Johnston, Mt. Student Co. 1
Died of illness
36 Broadway, Marlborough Hotel, New York, N.Y.
Montefiore Cemetery, Springfield Gardens, N.Y. – Gate 347/N, Block 16, Row 006L, Grave 3 – Society Louis Damaszek Lodge, Inc.; Buried 10/16/18


Wounded in Action

Brody, Jacob, PFC, 366,994
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, L Company
Severely Wounded in Action
Mrs. Jennie Brody (mother), 402 Ferry St., New Haven, Ct.
Born New Haven, Ct., 5/28/92
Vocation: Butcher, Harry Brody, 3239 Poplar St., New Haven, Ct.

, Tobias B., Pvt., 368,058

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, C Company
Slightly Wounded in Action
Mrs. Katie Cohen (wife), 457 East 124th St., New York, N.Y.
Mr. Charley Cohen (brother), 560 Mark St., New York, N.Y.
Born Warsaw, Poland, 8/20/89
Machinist (unemployed)

, Abraham, Pvt., 368,044

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Severely Wounded in Action
Mr. Isaac Berger (uncle), 232 South 2nd St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
1525 Washington Ave., New York, N.Y.
Born “Yose”, Romania, 1/1/94
Vocation: Clerk, Samuel Gang, 1498 1st Ave., New York, N.Y.

, Joseph Abraham, PFC, 3,106,656

79th Infantry Division, 313th Infantry Regiment, D Company
Severely Wounded in Action
Mr. Morris Ginsberg (father), Queenstown, Queen Anne’s County, Md.
Vocation: Merchant, Morris Ginsberg, (Queenstown?), Md.
Born Baltimore, Md., 8/15/91

, Jacob, Pvt., 368,074

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, B Company
Slightly Wounded in Action
Mrs. Esther Hockman (mother), 1054 Simpson St., New York, N.Y.
Born Warsaw, Poland, 1891

, Woolf, PFC, 366,388

29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, M Company
Wounded in action (degree undetermined)
Miss Jennie Kaufman (sister), 21 Bradley St., New Haven, Ct.
Born Urovichi, Minsky Goderni, Russia,7/15/91
Vocation: Hebrew Teacher, Jewish Board of Education, 16 Bradley St., New Haven, Ct.

Moskowitz, Morris, Pvt., 368,833
29th Infantry Division, 114th Infantry Regiment, E Company
Severely Wounded in Action
Mrs. Fannie Moskowitz (mother), 146 South 2nd St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born “Yassy” (probably meaning Jassy or Iassy) Romania, 6/2/92
Vocation: Salesman, New York, N.Y.

, Irving Nathan, Pvt., 2,337,734

3rd Infantry Division, 4th Infantry Regiment, Machine-Gun Company
Severely Wounded in Action
Mrs. Rose Oppenheimer (mother), 2 West 89th St., New York, N.Y.
Born Leavenworth, Ks., 11/4/90
Vocation: Wholesaler (cheese) (self employed), 189 Franklin St., New York, N.Y.

, David, Pvt., 2,672,427

27th Infantry Division, 107th Infantry Regiment, I Company
Wounded (Degree Undetermined)
Miss Eva Rothman (sister), 63 East 104th St., New York, N.Y.
51 East 108th St., New York, N.Y.
Born Odessa, Russia, 1891

, Irving, Pvt., 3,197,058

33rd Infantry Division, 131st Infantry Regiment, A Company
Severely Wounded in Action
Mrs. Martha Sokoloff (mother), 545 Lancaster St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
388 Bradford St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Minsk, Russia, 8/5/95
Vocation: Manager, Mr. Leselbauer, 747 Sutter Ave., New York, N.Y.

, David, Pvt., 2,671,489

82nd Infantry Division, 326th Infantry Regiment, L Company
Wounded (Degree Undetermined)
Mrs. Mollie Epstein (sister), 909 Beck St., New York, N.Y.
12 West 121st St., New York, N.Y.
Born Kiev, Russia, 8/5/91
Vocation: Salesman, Ames Brothers, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.

, Charles, First Sergeant, 3,356,383

4th Infantry Division, 39th Infantry Regiment, Headquarters Company
Slightly wounded in action
Mrs. Fanny Wasserman (mother), 214 Johnson St., Dayton, Oh.
Born Dayton, Oh., @ 1891

, Louis, Pvt., 1,390,291

33rd Infantry Division, 132nd Infantry Regiment, L Company
Slightly wounded in action
Mrs. Mollie Gordon (sister), 2008 Fairmont Ave., Baltimore, Md.
1914 East Fayette St., Baltimore, Md.
Born Russia, @ 1896

These are military casualties (killed in action or died of wounds) among Jewish soldiers who served in other armies, on the same date…

British Army

Alexander, Alec, Pvt., 61316, Middlesex Regiment, 4th Battalion
Mr. and Mrs. Israel and Amelia Alexander (parents), 237 Brunswick Buildings, Hailstone St., Aldgate, London, E, England
Born 1900
The Jewish Chronicle 1/3/19, 2/28/19 (2/28/19 lists serial as “18531”)
British Jewish Book of Honour – 77
Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France – III,C,10

, Leonard George, Pvt., G/26028, Royal Sussex Regiment, 17th Battalion

Mr. and Mrs. Simon and Henrietta Marks (parents), 38 Grainger St., Newcastle-on-Tyne, England
(also) Hazelhurst, Akenside Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England
Born 1894
The Jewish Chronicle 11/29/18
The Jewish Chronicle (Obituary Section) 10/25/18
British Jewish Book of Honour – 107
Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-d’Armentieres, Nord, France – VIII,A,31

Mendelssohn, Max, Gunner, 172375, Royal Horse Artillery, 18th Brigade Ammunition
(parents) 5 Causeway Side, Edinburgh, Scotland
Born 1897
Veterinary Surgeon
British Jewish Book of Honour – 108
Jerusalem War Cemetery, Jerusalem, Israel – J,S,14

Nathan, Charles, Pvt., 254176, London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), 1st/1st Battalion
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore and Sarah Nathan (parents), 57 Jane St., London, E, England
Pvt. Joe Nathan (brother)
Born 1895
British Jewish Book of Honour – 110
Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille, Pas de Calais, France – V,D,33

Stibbe, Mark, Pvt., 39396, Northumberland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, C Company
Mr. and Mrs. David and Leah Stibbe (parents), 5 Cleveland Grove, Mile End, London, E, England
The Jewish Chronicle 11/8/18
British Jewish Book of Honour – 120
Highland Cemetery, Le Cateau, Nord, France – X,C,7

Trachtenberg, Mendel Isidore, L/Cpl., J/2716, Royal Fusiliers, 39th Battalion (Jewish Legion)
Died of malaria
Mrs. Jennie Pauline (Luxenberg) Trachtenberg (wife), 2 Somali Road, London, NW2, England
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Mendel and Eva Trachtenberg (parents)
Henry and Max (brothers), 139 Fordwych Road, Cricklewood, London, England
Born 1882
The Jewish Chronicle 10/25/18, 12/20/18 (lists serial number as J/4716)
The Jewish Chronicle (Obituary Section) 10/25/18
New York Times 12/28/18
British Jewish Book of Honour – 121
Jerusalem War Cemetery, Jerusalem, Israel – JS,13

Wallach, Maurice, Pvt., 54211, West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales’ Own), 1st/6th Battalion
(parents) 6 Church Crescent, South Hackney, London, England
5 Holme’s Ave., London, E, England
Born 1899
The Jewish Chronicle 12/13/18 (lists surname as “Wallack”)
British Jewish Book of Honour – 122
Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery, Haucourt, Pas de Calais, France – Panel 4

French Army (Armée de Terre)

Benaim, Lucien Abraham, Soldat de 2eme Classe
Zouaves, 16eme Bataillon Territorial de Zouaves
Died after contracting illness in the army [Suité d’une maladie contractée dans l’armée] – l’Hopital Temporaire No. 9, Salonique, Grece
Born Inkermann, Oran, Algerie, 11/21/91
Place of burial unknown
Les Israelites dans l’Armée Française (Israelites [Jews] in the French Army) – pp. 9, 11
Le Livre d’Or du Judaisme Algérien (The Gold Book of Algerian Jewry) – 201

Karsenty, Maurice, Conducteur de 2eme Classe
Service Automobile, 8eme Escadron du Train
Disease contracted on duty [Maladie contractée en service commandé] – l’Hopital Complimentaire No. 38, Beauvais, Oise
Born Marseilles, Bouches-du-Rhone, France, 4/7/96
Place of burial unknown
Les Israelites dans l’Armée Française (Israelites [Jews] in the French Army) – Not Listed

Nathan, Isaac, Soldat de 2eme Classe
173eme Regiment d’Infanterie
Killed by the enemy [Tué a l’ennemi] – Bellecourt Foste Soloncourt, Aisne
Born Tlemcen, Oran, Algerie, 8/15/97
Necropole Nationale “Saint-Quentin”, Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France – Tombe Individuelle, No. 3467
Les Israelites dans l’Armée Française (Israelites [Jews] in the French Army) – Not Listed

German Army (Deutsches Heer)

Alexander, Kurt, Pvt. [Soldat]
Reserve Infanterie Regiment 269, 3rd Battalion, 11th Kompagnie
From Ortsleburg, Germany
Born Bartenstein, Germany, 9/23/98
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1358
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 312
Place of burial unknown

Beyer, Rudolf, Pvt. [Soldat], Musketier
Infanterie Regiment 163, Ersatz Bataillon , Garnison Kompagnie
From Hamburg, Germany
Born Lissa, Germany, 10/3/97
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1315
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 369
Kriegsgräberstätte in Hamburg-Ohlsdorf-Jüdischer Friedhof (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), Block B, Reihe 12, Grab 203

Blum, Hans, Pvt. (Wartime Volunteer) [Kriegsfreiwilliger]
Died of wounds at Reserve-Lazarett Mariendorf, Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Hermann and Johanna (Unger) Blum (parents), Ritterstrasze 4/5, Berlin, Germany
Born 3/21/97
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – Not Listed
Judischen Friedhof zu Weissensee, Berlzu, Germany

Blumenthal, Heinrich, Cpl. [Unteroffizier]
Infanterie Regiment 137, Ersatz Bataillon, Genesungheim Kompagnie
From Berlin, Germany
Born Dt. Krone, Germany, 7/27/96
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1293
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 133
Place of burial unknown

Kaufmann, Benjamin-Jonas, Pvt. [Soldat]
Arm. Ersatz Bataillon VIII / 46, 3rd Kompagnie
From Frechem (b. Koln), Germany
Born French, Germany, 8/30/75
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1371
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 217
Place of burial unknown

Ludwig, Siegfried, L/Cpl. [Gerfriter]
Infanterie Regiment 442, 3rd Battalion, 11th Kompagnie
From Muhlhausen (Els.), Elsass-Lothringen, Germany
Born Themar, Germany, 6/17/79
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1441
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 390
Place of burial unknown

Magnuss, Albert, L/Cpl. [Gerfriter]
Fusilier Regiment 40, 3rd Bataillon, 9th Kompagnie
From Mannheim, Germany
Born Berlin, Germany, 3/28/86
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1332
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 282
Place of burial unknown

Marburg, Robert, 2 Lt. [Leutnant], Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreiches, Aviator (Balloon Service) [Ballon-Service], Ballon Zug 1
At Capelle
From Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Born Frankfurt / Main, Germany, 6/10/81
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1310
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch Nachtrag (Addendum) 2 – 427
Casualties of the German Air Service – pp. 97, 315
Place of burial unknown

Meyerheim, Fritz, L/Cpl. [Gerfriter], Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreiches, Aviator (Balloon Service) [Ballon-Service], Ballon Zug 50
DOW, Reserve-Lazarett Charlottenburg, Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard and Betti (Davidsohn) Meyerheim (parents), Uhlandstrasze 194, Berlin, Germany
From Frankfurt a.O., Germany
Born Massow, Germany, 11/16/86
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1307
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 217
Casualties of the German Air Service – pp. 102, 315
Judischen Friedhof zu Weissensee, Berlzu, Germany

Simon, Adolf, Sergent Major Lieutenant (Warrant Officer) [Feldwebel Leutnant]
Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment 68, 2nd Battalion, 6th Kompagnie
From Berlin, Germany
Born Striegau, Germany, 12/16/96
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) 1440
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch Nachtrag (Addendum) 1 – 423
Place of burial unknown

Wollenberg, Adolf, Dr., 1 Lt. (Medical Staff Officer) [Oberstabsarzt], Festungs Hilflazarett V Konigsberg
From Konigsberg (Pr.), Germany
Born Riesenburg, Germany, 6/30/61
Casualty Message (Verlustmeldung) N.V.L. 117 / 31
Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch – 264
Place of burial unknown


In my next two posts, you’ll be able to read the Jewish Exponent’s version of The War Record of American Jews as it appeared in February of 1919, and, as it was incorporated within the two editions of WW I Medal of Honor winner Sydney Gumpertz’s privately published The Jewish Legion of Valor in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Note: Regarding the military service of the Jews of England, Reverend Michael Adler’s the British Jewry Book of Honour (1922), while a monumental achievement and utterly central to the study of the military service of Jews of England and the British Commonwealth during the Great War, isn’t – for each and every name recorded within its pages – completely reliable.  An example?  In the section listing the names of Jews who served in the Royal Flying Corps / Royal Air Force, one finds on page 535 an entry for Captain Carl Frederick Falkenberg (mis-spelled as “Falkenburg”), a 17 victory “ace” in the Royal Flying Corps.  Like some biographical entries in The War Record of American Jews of 1919, this was in error.  More about this in the next two posts…

Readings, References, Writings and What-Not


Adler, Michael, and Freeman, Max R.G., British Jewry Book of Honour, Caxton Publishing Company, London, England, 1922 (Republished in 2006 by Naval & Military Press, Uckfield, East Sussex)

Arad, Gulie Ne’eman, America, Its Jews, and The Rise of Nazism, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, In., 2000

Auerbach, Jerald S., Are We One? – Jewish Identity in the United States and Israel, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J., 2001

Bellow, Saul, Humboldt’s Gift, The Viking Press, New York, N.Y, 1973

Franks, Norman; Bailey, Frank; Duiven, Rick, Casualties of the German Air Service – 1914-1920, Grub Street, London, England, 1999

Liebman, Charles S., The Ambivalent American Jew – Politics, Religion, and Family in American Jewish Life, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, Pa., 1973

Michael, Robert, A Concise History of American Antisemitism, Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Md., 2005

Rubin, Barry, Assimilation and Its Discontents, Random House, New York, N.Y., 1997

Samuel, Maurice, The Gentleman and The Jew, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, N.Y., 1950

Die Jüdischen Gefallenen Des Deutschen Heeres, Deutschen Marine Und Der Deutschen Schutztruppen 1914-1918 – Ein Gedenkbuch, Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten, Forward by Dr. Leo Löwenstein, Berlin, Germany, 1932

Les Israelites dans l’Armée Française (Israelites [Jews] in the French Army), Angers, 1921 – Avant-Propos de la Deuxième Épreuve [Forward to the Second Edition], Albert Manuel, Paris, Juillet, 1921 – (Réédité par le Cercle de Généalogie juive [Reissued by the Circle for Jewish Genealogy], Paris, 2000)

Le Livre d’or du Judaïsme Algérien (1914-1918) (The Gold Book of Algerian Jewry (1914-1918), 1919 – Pubication du Comiée Algérien d’Études Sociales 1er fascicule septembre 1919 ((Réédité par le Cercle de Généalogie juive [Reissued by the Circle for Jewish Genealogy], Paris, 2000) – Avec la collaboration de Georges Teboul et de Jean-Pierre Bernard.

The War Record of American Jews – First Report of The Office of War Records, American Jewish Committee, January 1, 1919, The American Jewish Committee, New York, N.Y., 1919


Daniel Gordis, on the Rift Between American and Israeli Jews, Tikvah Fund podcast, April 3, 2019


Dick, Philip K., “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April, 1966 (The story was, quite flimsily, the basis for the 1990 film Total Recall, which featured Arnold Schwarzenegger in the lead role, as well as its 2012 Colin Farrell remake.)

Hertzberg, Arthur, The Emancipation: A Reassessment After Two Centuries, Modern Judaism, V 1, N 1, May, 1981

Other Publications

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, New York, N.Y., 1942


Guide to the Records of the American Jewish Committee – Office of Jewish War Records, undated, 1918-1921, 1962, processed by David Solomon, at Center for Jewish History

President Woodrow Wilson – Final Address in Support of the League of Nations, at American Rhetoric

Humboldt’s Gift, at GoodReads

Chronicles From World War One: “Why The Jews Are Fighting Germany” – The Jewish Chronicle, June 4, 1915

The articles in recent posts focus upon the effect and impact of the Great War in the war’s Eastern Zone, in terms of Jewish military service in the army of Imperial Russia, and, the experience of the Jews of Eastern Europe during the great war.  These articles, primarily drawn from (microfilm!) pages of both The Jewish Chronicle and The Jewish Exponent, typically approach these complimentary topics as straightforward news items, albeit often in fascinating depth, detail, and sometimes very great length.

But, alongside news reporting, the Chronicle regularly published fascinating, often lengthy; often profound opinion pieces – editorials, letters to the editor; essays; musings and more – which make great and relevant reading – even a century after their publication, for the topics addressed remain as current in this year of 2019 – even after the Shoah; even after Israel’s reestablishment as a Jewish nation-state in 1948 – as they were over 100 years ago.

One such item (well, relatively brief) appeared in June of 1915.  The Chronicle republished a letter by an anonymous writer (“A Jew”) that appeared in the Daily Mail the previous month, regarding the conundrum – for the Jews of the United States – of the motivation (well, perhaps one motivation of several) of why Jews were serving in the Russian army.  The letter-writer suggests that the primary impetus of anti-Jewish sentiment and policy in Russia was a actually top-down (in modern parlance) policy of Russification instituted by “M. Pobiedonostzeff” [sic], by whom he certainly meant jurist, statesman, and tsarist advisor Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, which – in the letter-writer’s opinion – was implemented in order to consolidate national unity and thus strengthen Russia against German expansionism.  Thus – so the theory went – an alleviation or negation of German power would render the policy of Russification moot, and thus the ostensible impetus for Russian regime’s oppression of the Jews would be negated.

Well, the wheels of history turned very differently.  (Then again, when do the wheels of history ever turn as expected or desired, in the lives or men or nations?)  Given the actual nature of Imperial Russia’s withdrawal from the war, and the surrender of Germany to the Western Allies (not an actual military victory), the scenario of the optimistic letter-writer’s naive prognostication – akin to the alternate history scenario of writer Martin J. Gidron, in his novel The Severed Wing – never came to fruition.     

The Jewish Chronicle

June 4, 1915

Under this caption the Daily Mail of Friday last printed an article written by “A Jew,” who treats the manner in which Jews in all countries have flocked to the colours.  Discussing the sentiments of the Jews in Russia in this direction the writer observes: –

“The enthusiasm of the Russo-Jewish soldier is a puzzle, notably to the Jews of America, who liberally fed with German propaganda, cannot understand why the Jews should desire the victory of Russia, nor why English Jews do not feel some slackening of their enthusiasm in this war when they remember that Russia, the persecutor of all the Jewish race, is an Ally of this country.  Well, the Russian Jew, among his many virtues and despite his not few faults, has a remarkably clear insight.  He has an analytical mind, and accepting facts as they are, he, by habit, delves to the root causes of them.  He, therefore, asks why the Jew is persecuted in Russia.  He knows that the Slav character is not in itself of a persecuting nature.  Jewish persecution in Russia is a result of the policy of Russification which M. Pobiedonostzeff initiated.  His policy was dictated by a desire on the one hand to strengthen the national sentiment and the national bonds subsisting between the numerous races in Russia, and thereby, on the other hand, to counter the growing power and influence of Russia’s next-door neighbor, Germany.  Such was the Russian policy, and the stronger that Germany grew, the larger the influence she had, especially upon the border provinces of Russian Poland, the more intense was the attempt at Russification, and the more intense was the persecution of the Jew.  But the Russian Jew know that the crushing of German power would mean the removal of a menace and of a fear that have troubled Russia for half a century past.  With that removed, there will be no further need for the policy of Russification, and hence no need for the persecution of the Jew.