A Century of Soldiers: Images of Jewish Infantrymen in the United States Army, World War One (Surnames A through G)

Among records about the military service of American World War One soldiers – at least, records available via Ancestry.com – those for servicemen from the state of Pennsylvania are certainly the most comprehensive.  While information about soldiers from all other states, and certainly also Pennsylvania, is recorded on Abstract of Military Service Cards as what might be deemed “stand-alone” documents, Abstract cards for Pennsylvania are incorporated into World War I Veterans Service and Compensation Files, 1917-1919, 1934-1948, which are in turn comprised of multiple documents. 

The contents of a Veteran’s Compensation File vary very greatly from soldier to soldier, but can include the following:

1) Veteran’s Compensation Application
2) Abstract of Military Service Card
3) Immediate Report of Casualty Card
4) Casual Officer’s Record Card
5) A.G.O.S.D., A.E.F. Form No. 6 (for recording biographical information, and, transfers and changes)
6) Application for Victory Medal (for Enlisted Men)
7) Pennsylvania War History Commission War Service Record of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines
8) An “I Am the Next of Kin” information card
9) Newspaper clippings about a soldier’s military service, and / or casualty status (specifically for soldiers from Philadelphia)
10) Details of Death or Burial Card
11) Individual Record of Decorations or Citations

No single Veterans Compensation File comprises each and every of the eleven above-listed types of documents, though the majority at least include a Veteran’s Compensation Application form, Abstract of Military Service Card, Pennsylvania War History Commission War Service Record of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and, newspaper clippings.  Among these four categories of items, the Pennsylvania War History Commission War Service Record of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines is (well, when present) as invaluable as it is remarkable, for many of these Records include a veteran’s description of his combat service in his own handwriting, or, for fallen soldiers, an account of the same by his parents or a sibling. 

And, seemingly haven taken the effort to record soldiers’ military service a step farther, the Pennsylvania World War I Veterans Service and Compensation Files also include photographic portraits of soldiers, and less commonly, soldier’s portraits published in newspapers in half-tone format. 

These images from a century past – by now sepia toned to a greater or lesser degree; sometimes badly faded – are remarkable, and remarkably evocative, windows upon the past.  Some were obviously taken by military photographers prior to a soldier’s deployment overseas; some were clearly taken by professional civilian photographers in studio settings; a very few were probably taken by a soldier’s family or friends using commercially available cameras.  As such, the some of the images – especially and curiously those taken by military photographers – capture a facet of soldier’s personality in the way of facial gestures or reactions to the very act of being photographed.  Some men are distracted; some have a look of levity; some have a matter-of-fact gaze; some appear to be proud.  (Photographs and candid pictures of WW I soldiers can also be found for Alabama and Connecticut soldiers; the former at the Alabama “World War I Gold Star Database”, and the latter at Ancestry.com.)

Regardless, all look much like people “now” in the year 2022: People have not changed.  

Since all these documents were scanned at 96 dpi, they’re of adequate resolution for digital enhancement. 

So…  I’ve created four posts about Jewish Pennsylvanians who were military casualties in the Great War, for whom photographs exist in the state’s World War I Veterans Service and Compensation Files.  They cover soldiers whose surnames begin with the letters A though G (“this” post), K through M, P through T, and concluding with a single post covering Lieutenant Edward Benjamin Goward of the 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, who was killed in action on July 29, 1918. 

An additional post includes one photographic portrait (from a newspaper), but more importantly, features transcripts of veteran’s reminiscences from Pennsylvania War History Commission War Service Records of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines.

Though many men are covered in this set of posts, these records, and the photos therein, represent only a fraction of memory. 

But, the past is irreducible: 

Even the smallest fraction is memory is still and always, memory.


Abramson, Max, Sgt., 1,252,131
28th Infantry Division, 108th Field Artillery Regiment, D Battery
WIA 9/12/18 (“shrapnel wound on right leg”)
Mrs. Rose (Stelweck) Abramson (wife), Florence C. and Robert L. (children), 1581 President St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mrs. Rose (Cohen) Abramson (mother), 1418 North 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Bucharest, Rumania, 10/20/98
Philadelphia Inquirer 12/15/18


Atlas, Harry, Pvt., 1,237,340
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, K Company
WIA 7/16/18 (gas; originally reported MIA)
Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Anna (Gluckman) Atlas (parents)
467 N. 6th St. / 504 North 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 8/28/96
Occupation: Machinist helper at Baldwin Locomotive Works
Philadelphia Inquirer 8/18/18

This half-tone photo of a smiling Pvt. Atlas was published in the Philadelphia Inquirer on August 18, 1918.  

Dear Sir:

The reasons this application is so vague, as to the exact dates, may I explain.

After returning from over-seas service, in April 1919, I was re-enlisted in Co. K 50th Infantry and I was immediately mustered out of Co. K 109th Inf. at Camp Dix, New Jersey.  No doubt, my records were transferred to this new outfit, but by some odd occurrences, I did not go back.  My original discharge was destroyed by fire.  I am at present getting my second discharge straightened out in Washington D.C. at present, and I am also requesting a copy of discharge of my enlistment from Co K 109th Inf.

I am enclosing some definite proof as to my identity, by the papers from the Government Bonus which I obtained in January 1925 at Phila. Pa.

Kindly inform me if there is any other way I can assure you that I am the rightful claimant.

Harry Atlas.


Berkowitz, Jerome, Pvt., 1,236,202
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, F Company
WIA 9/27/18 (slightly wounded in action)
WIA 11/10/18 (“gassed”)
Mrs. Eva (Markowitz) Berkowitz (wife), Irving Harold (son), 2526 North 33rd St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. Jennie (Weiss) Berkowitz (mother), 2017 S. 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 3/11/92
Philadelphia Inquirer 12/15/18


Berkowitz, Louis Ralph, Cpl., 1,785,675, at Lorraine, France
79th Infantry Division, 315th Infantry Regiment, L Company
KIA 9/28/18
Mr. and Mrs. Albert (6/18/54-12/6/17) and Clara (Landman) (4/8/65-3/7/69) Berkowitz (parents)
Albert Clarence, David Edward, Harvey, Henrietta, and Henry Joseph Berkowitz (brothers and sister)
3225 Turner St. / 1739 Berks St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Reverend Dr. Henry Berkowitz (uncle)
Born Kansas City, Mo., 5/26/91
Occupation: Assistant advertising manager and N. Snellenburg & Co., then, head of advertising at Pennsylvania Knitting Company, then, head of advertising department of Frank & Seder Company
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France – Tablets of the Missing
Philadelphia Inquirer 11/10/18

This image of Cpl. Berkowitz – probably from the Philadelphia Inquirer – is found in his “World War I Veterans Service and Compensation File”, via Ancestry.com.


Brody, Henry Harry, Cpl., 1,237,806
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, M Company
Prisoner of War; Gassed; 7/15/18
Camp Rastatt, Langensalza, Germany
Mrs. Hannah Brody [Haas] (wife), Marcel and Samuel (5/28/20-1/30/07) (sons), 5751 North Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice (Morris) and Esther Brody (parents), 525 Franklin St. / 3104 Euclid Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Occupation Cigar Store Clerk
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 2/22/95
Died 5/10/30, buried Mount Carmel Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. – Section H, Lot 681, Grave 1
New York Times 9/1/18, 1/12/19
Philadelphia Inquirer 1/12/19


Brooks, Frank, Pvt., 12,132
27th Infantry Division, 108th Infantry Regiment, B Company, 11th Engineers
Prisoner of War 11/30/17
Le Quesnoy, France; Camp Duelmen, Germany; Camp Altmann, Germany
Mr. Abraham Brooks (father), 5 Erkley St., London, England
Also 949 Fox St., New York, N.Y.
Born London, 5/24/91
New York Times 12/17/17
Jewish War Veterans Calendar 2017

In this photo published in the 2017 calendar of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Pvt. Brooks is standing in the front row, 2nd from right, with a group of fellow captured members of the 11th Engineers.  The men’s expressions range from stoic, to defiant, to (?!) jovial.    


Fine, Samuel E., Cpl., 1,238,983
28th Infantry Division, 110th Infantry Regiment, Headquarters Company
WIA 7/29/18 (shell fire; “loss of two fingers on left hand”)
Mrs. Bessie (Leightstone) Fine (wife), Gilbert and Gordon (sons), 5622 Catharine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Grace (Garber) Fine (parents), 5426 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 10/14/97
Occupation: Plumber for U.G.I.
Philadelphia Inquirer 10/24/18


Forkish, Robert Morris, PFC, 1,236,140
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, E Company
WIA 9/12/18 (“gassed & shell shock”)
Mrs. Ruth Ann Forkish (wife), Dolores, John E., Mary, Raymond A., and Robert, Jr. (children), 3844 34th St., Mount Rainier, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore and Anna Forkish (parents), 903 Parrish St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Bucharest, Roumania, 4/23/98

I Robert M. Forkish received complements off of Major Gregory 109th US Inf. 2nd Battalion for Bravery as you would call it.  I was then a runner, at Condy. Jen. Brien or Chateau Thierry Bois.

He _____ for communicating all day under a continuous bombardment.  This was July 18/918. 

Well it was on the 12th of Sept when I got gassed and Shell Shock at Fismes on trying to cross the Vesle River.  I was in the Hospital at Clichy France Base 19.  I couldn’t see or talk for 2 months after. 

I recovered and caught the Flu, and the Spinal Meningitis besides.  (Mars St. Parie Le Chatel.) 

I still have a whole lot more to write. 
Robert M. Forkish


Fox, Nathan, PFC, 1,910,867
82nd Infantry Division, 328th Infantry Regiment, K Company
WIA 10/8/18 (gas)
Mrs. Celia (Hoffman) Fox (wife), 1603 East Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Gussy and Bettsy (Malamut) Fox (parents), 1422 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Odessa, Russia, 9/26/96
Other reference(s) list place and date of birth as “Russia, Odessa; 9/26/96”, while Draft Registration Card lists place and date of birth as “Russia, Deraznia; 10/24/95”; Original address (crossed out) on Draft Registration Card is “1327 North 5th St.”
Philadelphia Inquirer 12/15/18


Gell, Abe, Pvt., 2,382,836
5th Infantry Division, 60th Infantry Regiment, C Company
KIA 9/25/18
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and Rachel (Gartell) Gell (parents); Samuel (brother), Blossburg, Pa.
Born “Iswan” / “Govna”, Russia, 4/17/87
St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiaucourt, France – Plot D, Row 10, Grave 13
Philadelphia Inquirer 10/22/18
The Evening Leader (Corning, N.Y.) 10/25/18


Glashofer, Philip, Pvt., 1,237,065
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, I Company
KIA 10/10/18
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Yetta Glashofer (parents), 1119 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Also 4138 Leidy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 9/10/96
Har Nebo Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. (Cemetery has no record)
Philadelphia Inquirer 1/11/19

Matzeva of Pvt. Glashofer, at Har Nebo Cemetery, Philadelphia.


Goldberg, Walter, Cpl., 1,238,057
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, Headquarters Company
WIA 7/28/18
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham and Rebecca Goldberg (parents)
Cpl. David Goldberg (brother), 731 South 58th St. / 2031 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 1/27/97
Philadelphia Inquirer 11/7/18


Goldfus, Louis Samuel, Pvt., 1,235,072
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, A Company
WIA 7/30/18
KIA 10/6/18
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Esther (Goldman) Goldfus (parents), 331 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. Charles Kahn (brother in law), 503 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Pa., Philadelphia, 623 South 3rd St.
Born 5/99
Har Nebo Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. – Section 1, Grave 96B; Buried 8/14/21
Philadelphia Inquirer 10/23/18, 11/17/18, 11/18/18


Goldstein, Herman, 2 Lt.
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, I Company
Seriously Wounded in Action 9/29/18 (gunshot wound between 3rd and 4th vertebrae)
Mrs. Ida Goldstein (wife), Irwin and Jeanette (son and daughter), 6052 Regent St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. Jennie Goldstein (mother), 2112 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 9/13/93
Philadelphia Inquirer 2/16/19


Goodman, Harry, Mechanic, 1,235,540
28th Infantry Division, 109th Infantry Regiment, C Company
WIA 9/8/18 (“shell shock” / “wounded, transferred to hospital”)
Mrs. Pearl (Crotis) Goodman (wife), 5025 North Gransback St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Leopold and Freda (Drisen) Goodman (parents), 1122 Germantown Ave. / 2223 Lambert St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., 2/21/96
Occupation: Shipper
Philadelphia Inquirer 12/15/18



Gumpertz, Sydney G., Capt., The Jewish Legion of Valor – The Story of Jewish Heroes in the Wars of the Republic – And a General History of the Military Exploits of the Jews Through the Ages, Sydney G. Gumpertz, New York, N.Y., 1934, 1941

Gumpertz, Sydney G., Capt., The Jewish Legion of Valor – The Story of Americans of the Jewish Faith Who Distinguished Themselves in the Armed Forces in All the Wars of the Republic – And a General History of the Military Exploits of the Jews Through the Ages, Sydney G. Gumpertz, New York, N.Y., 1934, 1946

Haulsee, William Mitchell; Howe, Frank George; Doyle, Alfred Cyril, Soldiers of the Great War – Memorial Edition: Volume I (Alabama through Maryland), Washington, D.C., Soldiers Record Publishing Association, 1920

Haulsee, William Mitchell; Howe, Frank George; Doyle, Alfred Cyril, Soldiers of the Great War – Memorial Edition: Volume II (Massachusetts through Ohio), Washington, D.C., Soldiers Record Publishing Association, 1920

Haulsee, William Mitchell; Howe, Frank George; Doyle, Alfred Cyril, Soldiers of the Great War – Memorial Edition: Volume III (Oklahoma through Wyoming), Washington, D.C., Soldiers Record Publishing Association, 1920

Book – No Specific Author

The War Record of American Jews – First Report of The Office of War Records, American Jewish Committee, January 1, 1919, The American Jewish Committee, New York, N.Y., 1919

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