Of Friends, Frenemies, and Enemies: The Murderous Consequences of Western Diplomacy – Melanie Phillips, interviewed by Jonathan Tobin, October 25, 2023

Video time!…

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There are times that arise in the lives of peoples, nations, and civilizations when taken-for-granted assumptions about the past and future demand examination, if not revision, if not upending.

In light of Hamas’ mass assault and terrorism against Israeli civilians – Jews – on October 7, and, Jonathan Tobin’s October 25th Jewish News Syndicate interview of journalist Melanie Phillips, perhaps (perhaps) we are now living amidst one of those times.

And so, for your consideration…


Why has it been this situation for a hundred years?
Why is it the only situation which is like this?
The only war that never ends in the world.
Because it’s the war that the – has been created by the West,
and continued by the West.
It relies entirely on Western support.

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“As a dog returns to his vomit, so does a fool repeat his folly.”
“כְּכֶלֶב שָׁ֣ב עַל־קֵא֑וֹ כְּ֜סִ֗יל שׁוֹנֶ֥ה בְאִוַּלְתּֽוֹ”
(Yet, what if the folly is not folly, but mendacity?)

Mishlei (Proverbs) – Chapter 26

“Now, I have a rather heretical view about this, ingrained, pessimistic view that this conflict is with us forever.  You have to ask yourself, “Why is it with us forever?  Why is this – I think I’m right in saying – the only conflict in the world, which has gone on for a hundred years, and which has no prospect, in the minds of most people, of ever being resolved.  ‘Cause every alternative is terrible.  Either we take over all their territory in which case we have however many – – “palestinians” who don’t want to be ruled by us, and we don’t want to rule them, or we do a “two-state-solution”.  Well that’s clearly impossible, so we’re – we’re completely stuck.  We – we – we can’t move.  I think it’s the wrong way of looking at it.  Why has it been this situation for a hundred years?  Why is it the only situation which is like this?  The only war that never ends in the world.  Because it’s the war that the – has been created by the West, and continued by the West.  It relies entirely on Western support.  If the West wasn’t involved; it the West hadn’t been involved, this would have been sorted.  It would have been sorted by force.  By which I mean –  I don’t mean that everyone would have been killed.  What I mean is, that, Israel would have asserted its force, and – it would have reached a settlement – with –  I don’t know that the settlement would have looked like, but basically, the “palestinian” issue would have gone away – because, the “palestinian” issue is only an issue because it’s been created as such by the West.  The West has taken this false narrative – you know, “that the “palestinians” are the indigenous people; that they were driven out of their own land; that they are now being occupied illegally in their own land, and all the rest of it.  The West has taken this up, even governments which are supposedly sympathetic to Israel; have taken this up.  Britain.  America.  The EU.  They’ve all said, “The way you settle it is to divide the land.” …  Well no; if you have a war of extermination, you don’t say, to the people who are threatened with extermination, “You’ve got to settle it by basically giving the other side, whatever you – whatever they want, because, that’s the way in which the other side will continue to say; will say to itself, ‘If we continue, what we’re doing, we’ll get all of it!’”  And that’s what’s happened for a hundred years.”

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What’s causing it, is Western support,
for the people who are bent on an agenda of extermination. 
And, Israel has never said that. 
It won’t say it.  … 
But victory – depends upon identifying who is fighting whom. 
And, currently, and until now – the fight,
is characterized as between Israel and the “palestinians”. 
It’s not! 
The fight is between Israel and the West.
So victory requires the West to have its own complicity in this, rammed down its throat.


Well, you know, if you pretend that your “ally” is your ally, whereas,
in fact they are your frenemy, then, you know, you –
you get the consequences that have followed. 

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“Well – would anyone else like to speak up?
Or shall we end this charade?”
(Commander William T. Riker)

“As you wish, Commander Riker.
The charade is over.”
(Commander Tomalak)

(Star Trek: The Next Generation, from “Future Imperfect”, broadcast November 12, 1990)

“What’s causing it, is Western support, for the people who are bent on an agenda of extermination.  And, Israel has never said that.  It won’t say it.  …  But victory – depends upon identifying who is fighting whom.  And, currently, and until now – the fight, is characterized as between Israel and the “palestinians”.  It’s not!  The fight is between Israel and the West.  So victory requires the West to have its own complicity in this, rammed down its throat.  And, they have to be told –  You know, “You are creating this.  You have created this.”  But, Israel won’t do it, because it says, “Are you crazy?!  I mean, America, you know, is our ally, and we rely on it.  And Britain is our ally, and we rely on it, and the European Union, heaven help us, is our ally, and we rely on that too!”  So we’ll manage all the – all the stuff that they come up with; all the rubbish they come up with.  We’ll manage it.  We – we can’t – we can’t throw them overboard.  We certainly can’t say what you’re saying we should say.  Because that would just – you know, that’s kicking our allies.”

Well, you know, if you pretend that your “ally” is your ally, whereas, in fact they are your frenemy, then, you know, you – you get the consequences that have followed.  And that’s why, this thing goes on and on and on.”

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…if the West is to survive itself, as a –
which I think is deeply imperiled by what it’s done to itself over many decades,
at the heart of which is what it’s done to the Jewish people… 
But if the West is to recover itself,
as a morally functioning and therefore civilized entity,
it has to tell itself, that the cause that it has supported,
is the cause of all this. 

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“…an illusion, no matter how convincing,
remained nothing more than an illusion.
At least objectively.
But subjectively, quite the opposite, entirely.”

(Philip K. Dick, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April, 1966)

“…if the West is to survive itself, as a – civilization, which I think is deeply imperiled by what it’s done to itself over many decades, at the heart of which is what it’s done to the Jewish people…  But if the West is to recover itself, as a morally functioning and therefore civilized entity, it has to tell itself, that the cause that it has supported, “palestinianism”, is the cause of all this.  Not just the Hamas.  The Hamas is an excrescence of this.  And that the reason – for the continuation of this terrible war against Israel, is that the West has told itself this big lie.  That – supporting “palestinianism” is the way to resolve the conflict; through the division of land.  Now, until unless that happens, Israel is going to continue to be isolated to varying degrees by its so-called allies and friends in the West.  And the West is going to continue to shoot itself in the brain, as a civilization.”

A Spirit of the Ages: “Darkness at Noon”, by Yohanan Ramati (11/17/21-1/28/16)

The prophetic “Darkness at Noon” is one of the 165 poems composed by Israeli scholar Yohanan Ramati from the 1980s through the early 90s, which are collected in the volume Fata Morgana, published by the Bialik Institute in Jerusalem in 1995.  A very brief biography of Mr. Ramati, from the book’s cover, follows:

“Yohanan Ramati, born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1921, went to school in Switzerland and Vienna.  In 1935, because his father decided Poland was no place for Jews, Ramati was sent to England.  He watched Neville Chamberlain promise the world “Peace in our time” after signing the Munich pact with Hitler.  In 1939-1942 he studied Politics, Economics, and Philosophy at Oxford University.  He then worked as a coal miner in Yorkshire, before joining the British Army in which he served until 1948.

“Settling in Israel in 1949, he worked at writing reports, studies, and newspaper articles.  From 1954 to 1976 he was managing editor of The Israel Economist.  His poetry, though written after he turned 60, strongly appeals to young people in their twenties and thirties in its candor, directness, and understanding for universal human feelings and problems, despite his unconcealed Jewish patriotism.  He has often said that a person who cannot love his own people is incapable of loving humanity.  Of his musical compositions, three have been broadcast and several others have been performed at public concerts.

“Yohanan Ramati married Datia (nee Kaplan) in 1947.  One of their children, Eliora Carmon – commemorated in Ramati’s symphonic poem – was killed when the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires was blown up by terrorists in 1992.  Their two other children, Michal and Yonatan, live in Galilee.”

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Eliora Carmon, from the X account of the Israel Foreign Ministry


The poems in Fata Morgana are divided into five sections, entitled – in sequence – “Ballads” (8 poems), “Love” (40), “Children” (6), “Animal Poems” (15), “Americana” (4), “Of Man and the Universe” (the largest section, with 70 poems, including “Darkness at Noon”), “The Jews” (6), and lastly, “Israel, Oh Israel!” (16 poems). 

Fata Morgana is entirely absent of explanatory text about the specific date of composition of Mr. Ramati’s poems, or, the “sparks” of emotion, time, and place that inspired their creation; it only includes titles and text, leaving influences to the imagination of the reader.  

As for the very phrase “Darkness At Noon”, Mr. Ramati specifically acknowledges Arthur Koestler’s novel as the inspiration for his poem.

What about “Fata Morgana”?  As described at Wikipedia, the phrase is Italian, and is the designation for, “…a complex form of superior mirage visible in a narrow band right above the horizon.  The term Fata Morgana is the Italian translation of “Morgan the Fairy” ([the enchantress] Morgan le Fay of Arthurian legend).  These mirages are often seen in the Italian Strait of Messina, and were described as fairy castles in the air or false land conjured by her magic.”  Tellingly, “Fata Morgana mirages significantly distort the object or objects on which they are based, often such that the object is completely unrecognizable.”

In literary terms, a Fata Morgana, “…is usually associated with something mysterious, something that never could be approached.”  Examples given at Wikipedia include Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 1873 poem by that name, the poet Christoph Martin Wieland’s use of the phrase to denote “…castles in the air,” and, the famed H.P. Lovecraft’s allusion to the phenomenon in describing atmospheric effects in Antarctica, in his famous and culturally influential 1936 short novel of cosmic horror, “At the Mountains of Madness”.

Mr. Ramati’s prophetic non-fiction essays, which I believe appeared in the Bulletin of the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defence, published between 1989 and 2009, include:

“Jewish Motives” (February, 1994)
“The Islamic Danger to Western Civilization”
“Israel’s Real Strategic Problems”,
“Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics – A Comparative Case Study of The Yugoslav and Middle East Crises” (December, 1996)

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Portrait of Yohanan Ramati by Sissel Vagard


Darkness at Noon

(With apologies to Arthur Koestler, who would have understood.)

The little screens are fed by fertile brains
Of the select who know what people need

And pose as guardians of our liberties
Yet treat us with contempt.

We like their face,
The face of self-appointed oracles
Pronouncing doom on values we revered
When we could still distinguish true from false,
When love of country still was burning deep
In many souls… and in our musing minds
We contemplated a nefarious world
Without attempting to deceive ourselves
Each day and every minute.

They are dead –
Those days when some illumined were by faith
While others lived, and living made mistakes
Which were at least their own.

Like vipers’ teeth
Unholy years have left their deadly mark:
Week after weary week we watched the shades
Performing rites of gods we let usurp
The seats of power, our vision warped
By wishful dreams.

They sang to us their songs
Of everlasting peace if we succumb
Or just refrain from succouring our friends,
Describing them as denizens of hell
With skillful touches of satanic pens
Dipped into vicious venom.

Knowing us
With all our weaknesses, they made us laugh,
Feeding the cruelty in human hearts
With ridicule of all that we held dear,
Destroying values e’en as we believed
They were but joking…  And they played their parts
With charismatic lustre blinding us
To their true meaning, to the little push
Towards a tempting, effervescent glow
Obscuring the reality beneath.

* * *

“You’re lying!” says the stooge – and I reply:
Can you still tell the tyrant from the serf?
Can you still recognize your liberties?
Or do you now imagine like the rest
That these be but the freedom of the men
Who feed the screens to tell you what to think?

* * *

Democracy was once the people’s rule.
Today, it is the undisputed realm
Of those we’re not allowed to criticize
On pain of ostracism: The handsome lout
Who reads the news with just the slightest touch
Of sarcasm or appeal to guide our will,
The make-up man whose anonymous hate
Turns would-be politicians into ghouls,

The commentator with the gracious smile
Bought by a boorish sheikh whose distant wealth
Controls the pearls of wisdom we lap up,
The journalist who will report the facts
Only if they accord with his beliefs
Or with the views of the conceited ass
Who owns his paper…

Yea, integrity
May yet be found among this curious caste
But rarely, oh, so rarely!

* * *

Dare I think
Just for myself?
Dare I express a doubt
Concerning fashions deprecating pride
And whisper loyalty to my own flag?
Dare I yet offer to defend my state,
Its interest and the free allied with us?
Is our sacred blood
Really so precious that to spill a drop
To protect freedom is a blasphemy,
So oppressors vile
Need kill but five of us – the rest will run?

* * *

Protesters march with banners fiercely held
Beneath a sky abandoned.  For our sun,
The sun of human hope has disappeared
Covered by clouds of cant.
We humbly watch
The scene through the impenetrable bars
Of an infernal logic teaching us
That right is wrong and left is always right,
That weak is good and red is really white,
That fear deserves our praise, that freedom means
Your freedom to assist a foreign foe
But never mine to stop you doing so!

I want to scream, but who will hear my pain?
The little screen no longer has a place
For morons who would banish what it calls
“The Spirit of Our Age”.
So deep within
My heart must slowly break as there, outside, The darkness reigns at noon…

And further…

Yohanan Ramati, at…

University of Saint Andrews (Correspondence)

… The National Library of Israel

Billion Graves (יוחנן רמתי)

Alain Finkielkraut: “In The Name of The Other”

2004 and 2023

Alain Finkielkraut, from Azure Magazine

In the Name of the Other: Reflections on the Coming Anti-Semitism
Autumn, 2004

In the wake of that brief period
during which the West expressed itself in the idiom of racism,
Western discourse now accuses the chosen people
of believing themselves superior to other nations
and of rejecting the gospel of a common, universal identity.
Perhaps it is really the ancient condemnation of the Jew –
for his worldliness,
his particularism,
his exclusivity,
his national egoism,
his closed fraternity –
which, under the increasing burden of the Nazi trauma,
is living a new youth, reveling in its flashy modern clothes.
Perhaps there is a resonance of the Epistle to the Romans

in the affirmation that the people of Israel,
that self-infatuated people,
exempt themselves from the ordinary human condition
and except themselves from all the nations,
thus denying the equal dignity of men and obeying only their own laws.
Perhaps this sudden condemnation,
coming from the religion of humanity,
and its paradoxical incitement to anti-racist hate,
unknowingly resurrects an ancient theological debate,
of which the secularized masses know little or nothing at all.
Perhaps –
and this is a frightening thought –
the penitent-judges are incapable of condemning the scientistic belief
in the struggle of the races and the survival of the fittest
without resuscitating the Pauline spirit.
Perhaps this makes the descendants of Abraham stiffen their resolve,

affirming their dynastic birthright
and holding firm to ties of blood when they are offered a union of hearts.

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The Religion of Humanity and The Sin of The Jews
Summer, 2005

We no longer know how to commemorate what we are commemorating.

By “we,”
I mean the independent, volatile, democratic individual
who owes nothing to the past,
cares nothing for the future,
and has no ties to the present
besides the ones he himself establishes;

the individual who has been released,
by human rights,
from the grips of origins,
and that which is not freely chosen,
who has been relieved of obligations to anything that might transcend him.

He is free,
like Edith Piaf or the Rolling Stones,
to abandon himself to his own inclinations,
and infatuations;
the individual who looks at history
and sees only the obstacle-ridden, corpse-strewn road leading up to him.

Just One Reference…

Alain Finkielkraut, at Wikipedia

When Visions Change: Excerpts from Rav Haim Sabato’s novel Adjusting Sights

(This “new” post isn’t really new, for its content has appeared for many years as a drop-down page in my blog’s masthead.  I’ve now converted it into a gen-u-ine post, with a variety of links.  Enjoy and be inspired!)

Adjusting Sights
by Haim Sabato (Translated by Hillel Halkin)
The Toby Press, 2003

“It was hard to say goodbye to my wife Malka on that night after Yom Kippur.  I could see how worried she war.  I too had a bad feeling.  While we were packing my things, I talked to her about faith and trust in God’s Providence.  I quoted some verses from the Bible and from the rabbis.  I knew that Providence is for the Jewish People as a whole and not for any individual.  Even Jacob, though he was promised that God would always be with him, was frightened when Esau marched against him with four hundred men.  But I managed to calm Malka down.  We were still packing when Yoel dropped by to say goodbye and surprised me by saying that the verse the Lord will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance doesn’t apply to any single one of us, so what we all have to pray for our own lives to be spared.  Either he had read my thoughts or we were all thinking the same thing.  I hoped Malka didn’t hear him.  I don’t think she did.  Or else she pretended that she didn’t.  We put Daniel to bed.  He lay there smiling at me.  I kissed him, trying not to cry.  Malka came with me to the assembly point. She stood watching the bus pull out.” (98)

I looked at the moon and saw Dov. We had sanctified the moon of Tishrei together, the two of us, in Bayit ve-Gan with the Rabbi of Amshinov.

It was true, I thought.  Sometimes God had mercy on the undeserving and shone His light on them.  That mercy and that light stayed with you forever.  They were a debt you had to repay.  There was no getting around it.  I thought of the vow I had made while dodging bullets in the wadi.  I knew the world would never be the same.

Yes, sometimes God has mercy on the undeserving.  And sometimes He descends to His garden, to the beds of spices to gather lilies – Sariel and Shmuel and Shaya and Avihu.  And Dov.  Though we left for war together.

What was it Rabbi Akiva once said?  The Owner of the fig tree knows when it is time to father His figs.

Who can aim his thoughts as high as those of the Creator of men?  In the month of Elul we said penitential prayers in my yeshiva.  Now they echoed in my ears.

Who holds in His hand the souls of all that live
And the spirit of each mortal man.
The soul is Yours and the body is Your handiwork.
Spare the work of Your hands.

Lord of all souls, the soul is Yours.
But the body is also Your handiwork.
For this it was made, to sanctify Your name in this world.
Master of all worlds, spare the work of Your hands! (143)

And, for your consideration…

Adjusting Sights, at… 

Wikipedia (Hebrew)

Kirkus Reviews

679th Tank Brigade, at…

Wikipedia (Hebrew)

Rav Haim Sabato, at…


Wikipedia (Hebrew)

Jewish Action

American Sephardi (“Haim Sabato’s Classic Sephardi Sensibility”)

Koren Publishers (Rav Haim Sabato’s books)

Aleppo Tales
From the Four Winds
Rest for The Dove
The Dawning of The Day

Jewish Journal 

Jewish Journal (“A Sephardic S.Y. Agnon”)

Good Reads

You Tube (October 9, 2023)

שיעורים קצרים לחיילים (1) – “התנערי מעפר קומי” | הרב חיים סבתו (חרבות ברזל – תשפ”ד)
Short lessons for soldiers (1) – “Get rid of comic dust” | (Sword of Iron))


The War That Never Ended: Passages from the diary of Moshe Ze’ev Flinker: 1926-1944

(The photograph and excerpts below – from Moshe Flinker’s diary – have appeared in the header of this blog since its creation in 2016.  (Gadzooks! – has it been that long?!)  To make Moshe’s thoughts more accessible – internet and appearance wise – I’ve turned this content into the post, below…)

“…in my opinion, as I have already written several times in my diary,
the end of the war and our salvation are not synonymous.”


Young Moshe’s Diary – The Spiritual Torment of a Jewish Boy in Nazi Europe
[Diary of Moshe Flinker, translated from the Hebrew]
Yad Vashem Publishers – 1965

There is, however, one further difficulty,
namely that if we already deserve to be redeemed because of our great sufferings,
there is the danger that the Jews themselves will not want to be redeemed.  (29)


Now if England wins,
most of the Jews (even those of us who wish to be redeemed)
will be able to say that not the Lord
but England saved them.
The gentiles will say the same.
Obviously my outlook is a religious one.
I hope to be excused for this,
for had I not religion,
I would never find any answer at all to the problems that confront me.  (30)


But our people are so exile-minded
that many generations would have to pass
before we became a free people physically and mentally (the latter is the main thing).  (36)


What good are the prayers I offer up with so much sincerity?  (39)


Therefore we should not look to
or America,
because salvation will come from a completely different source.  (55)


An Allied victory will put an end only to our momentary troubles,
those from Germany,
but along with this it will mark the beginning of troubles
far greater than the present ones,
because instead of coming from one source,
they will come from everywhere in the form of unlimited world-wide anti-Semitism.

For this poison,
which the cursed Hitler has injected into humanity,
is spreading,
and after the war ended by such an Allied victory
it would not be limited to the vanquished Germany,
but would cross the borders of the victorious nations as well.

The victors will have to find some scapegoat to blame
for the innumerable crises which will come after the war,
and who will be more suitable then the Jews for such a role?

not from the English
nor the American
nor the Russians
but from the Lord Himself will our redemption come.


And for that I pray always. 
Therefore I see in every victory of the Allies a prolongation of our troubles.

Already after reaching this conclusion,
I have begun to doubt whether the time has really come
for the end of our two-thousand-year exile.  (72-73)


While it is true that the Germans and Italians have been chased out of Africa,
this, in my opinion, does not bring the end of the war much closer.

I intentionally write the end of the war rather than our salvation
because, in my opinion, as I have already written several times in my diary,
the end of the war and our salvation are not synonymous.  (97)


Supplications and beseechings cannot reestablish our continually violated honor. 
Action alone is of any use.  (103)

Thus Satan Said: Nathan Alterman’s Poem on the Survival of Israel

“The question of Jews and power
boils down to whether a God-inspired and morally constrained people
can hold out until the surrounding nations accept the principle of peaceful coexistence.
The creation of Israel was the hopeful answer to that question:
Hatikvah, literally, the hope of a people.
Neither the war against Israel in the Middle East
nor opposition to the Jews’ right to a state will likely fade in the years ahead.
Let us see if we have the power and moral stamina to keep that hope alive.”

– Ruth R. Wisse

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

There’s a saying:  “You may not be interested in politics, but politics may be interested in you.”

There’s another saying: “You may not be interested in war, but war may be interested in you.”

And so, while the great majority of my posts pertain to history; the past; that which has gone before, given ongoing “events” (ah, how inadequate a word!) in Israel, I think it’s time to touch upon contemporary issues pertaining to the Jewish people, Israel, the United States, the Western world; Europe; “the world” in general. 

So, rather than “plow” intellectual ground already so well and deeply furrowed, in a future post I’ll point to essays and opinion pieces which I think precisely (if not brilliantly) focus on “how we got here”, as of October 7, 2023.  (Or, 22 Tishrei, 5784). 

And still, now.

But until then…!

I’ve not posted anything here – at TheyWereSoldiers – or my brother blog (focusing on art and illustration in science fiction pulp magazines of the mid-twentieth century, and, other literary genres) WordsEnvisioned – for some time.  I hope to return with more posts at both blogs in the reasonable future.  For TheyWereSoldiers, these will comprise…

The story of First Lieutenant Henry Irving Wood, a fighter pilot in the 75th Fighter Squadron of the 23rd Fighter Group, who survived captivity as a POW of the Japanese after being shot down on October 1, 1943.

Arnold Zweig’s stunning 1917 piece from “Die Schaubühne”, Judenzählung vor Verdun” (“Count of the Jews before Verdun”): His literary reaction to the October, 1916 “Jew Count” in the German army in the midst of the First World War.

Essays from two German Jewish newspapers – Der Israelit, and Judische Rundschau – which in the early 1930s published opinion pieces expressing skepticism and disillusionment about the implications of Jewish military service, specifically in terms of perpetuating Jewish identity and peoplehood, and, validating Jewish patriotism and courage in the eyes of the forces arrayed against them.    

From “The Jewish Frontier”, a perspective on the New York Times’s coverage of the Shoah, Zionism, and “Jewish” issues … in the year 1942.  

A “friendly fire” incident: A Liberator bomber (B-24J 42-73429 “Shootin’ Star” of the 374th Bomb Squadron, 308th Bomb Group) shot down by F4U Corsairs of VMF-124 over the South China Sea, on January 12, 1945.    

“The One That Got Away”: The escape from German captivity of Sergeant Barney Schollnick, an A-20 Havoc crewman in the 645th Bomb Squadron, 410th Bomb Group, 9th Air Force, captured during a bombardment mission against German positions in Brest, France on September 6, 1944.

Possibly (possibly…; maybe…; perhaps…; who knows…) accounts of how Senior Lieutenant Lidiya Vladimirovna Litvyak (Лидия Владимировна Литвяк), General Lev Mikhaylovich Dovator (Лев Михайлович Доватор), and General Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky (Ива́н Дани́лович Черняхо́вский), of the Soviet Union, were reported upon in the Western press – the Jewish press and the “general” news media – during WW II.

Also from “The Jewish Frontier”, a most non-military topic: a skeptical if not scathing take on Jewish comedians, and, the (taken-for-granted?) cultural association between Jews and comedy, on stage, film, and radio … from the late 1930s.  How refreshing.  How dignified.  How needed.  (Thankfully, I think that in the world of 2023, and beyond, Jewish comedians have become passé.  Perhaps – sometimes opportunistically indulging in self-abasement – they always were passé, even in their illusory, and retrospectively fleeting, twentieth century heyday.) 

Movie time again!!!  In the same vein as my posts about Louis Falstein’s novel “Face of a Hero” and Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22”, and, the 1943 movie “Destination Tokyo”, an investigation of James Jones’ focus on the experience of Jews in the United States Army of the 1940s in his novel “The Thin Red Line” through the character of Captain “Bugger” Stein, which is entirely absent in Terrence Malick’s 1998 film adaptation of the book.  Likewise for the United States Navy: Jewish Naval Officer Barney Greenwald (played by José Ferrer) in “Herman Wouk’s The Caine Mutiny”, versus the negation of this aspect of the character’s identity in Edward Dmytryk’s 1954 film of the same name.  

As part of my continuing series of accounts of Jewish military service in the Second World War (among all the Allied nations), based on accounts in The New York Times and other sources, posts about Jewish military service and Jewish military casualties pertaining to (for example)…

Squadron Leader David Goldberg (J/4242); Survived
Fighter Pilot
No. 403 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force
Shot Down and Evaded Capture; Returned to England May 6, 1944
March 8, 1944 – Spitfire IX MJ356

2 Lt. Jesse Herbert Lack (0-694883) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
755th Bomb Squadron, 458th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force
United States Army Air Force
KIA March 8, 1944 – B-24J 41-28720

2 Lt. Theodore Herman (“Ted”) Lederer (0-2000710) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה

398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division
United States Army
KIA April 4, 1945

1 Lt. James Kaplan Levy (0-793649) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
Fighter Pilot

347th Fighter Squadron, 350th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force
United States Army Air Force
KIA June 10, 1944 – P-39Q 44-2454

Lieutenant Commander Alfred Labori Lyons (0-307073) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה

USS Pinkney
United States Navy
KIA April 28, 1945

T/Sgt. Leonard Mann (12128372) .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
Aerial Gunner

33rd Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Group, 5th Air Force
United States Army Air Force
KIA March 23, 1945 – B-24L 44-41652

Lieutenant Naum Naumovich Rabinovich (Лейтенант Наум Наумович Рабинович); Survived
Fighter Pilot – “Ace”
Six aerial victories – all FW-190s; 5 individual and 1 shared
513th Fighter Aviation Regiment, 331st Fighter Aviation Division, 2nd Air Army
Military Air Forces (VVS) – USSR (Военно-воздушные cилы России (ВВС) – СССР)
Aircraft (Yak) damaged in dogfight with FW-190s on July 13, 1944
Crash-landed; Injured; Rejoined Regiment
In 1980s, a “Refusenik”…
Applied for exit visa to emigrate in 1981; Permission Denied
Received permission to emigrate in April, 1989
(See more at Yad Vashem Archives)


But for now, but for thought, but for warning, a poem:

Thus Satan Said

“How will I overcome
this one who is under siege?
He possesses bravery, ingenuity,
weapons of war and resourcefulness.”

And he said: “I’ll not sap his strength,
Nor fill his heart with cowardice,
nor overwhelm him with discouragement
As in days gone by.
I will only do this:
I will cast a shadow of dullness over his mind
until he forgets that justice is with him.”

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This is what the Satan said and it was as if
the heavens trembled in fear
as they saw him rise
to execute his plan.


 Nathan Alterman (1919-1970)